
  1. Astronomy

    Gravitational lens

    grah-vih-TAY-shun-al LENZ n.

  2. Soaring pterosaur

    With a mechanical brain, a pterosaur replica soars.

  3. SN Online

    LIFE Plant species grafted together can swap DNA via energy-catching organelles. See “Plants swap chloroplasts via grafts.” HUMANS Social networks can spread users’ emotions. Learn more in “Catching a mood on Facebook.” ATOM & COSMOS A solar flare set off auroras around the Arctic Circle. See “Solar storm.” BODY & BRAIN Protein-based disease agents can […]

  4. Science Future for February 25, 2012

    March 9–18 The British Science Association’s National Science and Engineering Week explores the theme “Our World in Motion” with events across the United Kingdom. See March 17–23 Enjoy science demonstrations and hands-on fun for the whole family at the San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering. Find the schedule of events at

  5. Science Past from the issue of February 24, 1962

    BOILING REACTOR WILL MAKE SUPERHEATED STEAM — An Argonne National Laboratory experimental reactor achieved criticality for the first time Feb. 9 at the National Reactor Testing Station near Idaho Falls, Idaho. The plant, known as Borax 5, was built at a cost of nearly two million dollars. It will test the feasibility of making superheated […]

  6. Plant something new

    Better produce and protecting food staples at the USDA.

  7. SN Online

    SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC BLOGImported primate meat hosts potentially dangerous viruses. See “Bush meat can be a viral feast.” LIFE A snake senses prey’s last heartbeats. See “Boas take pulse as they snuff it out.” ATOM & COSMOS A simulation hints at why space is 3-D. Read “String theorists squeeze nine dimensions into three.” BODY […]

  8. Science Future for February 11, 2012

    February 23 As part of National Engineers Week, talk to a child or group for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. Find resources at March 1 Last day to submit entries to the 2012 Kavli “Save the World Through Science & Engineering” video contest for grades 6–12. See

  9. Science Past from the issue of February 10, 1962

    EFFECT OF WEIGHTLESSNESS — Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr.’s experience in weightlessness during his coming orbital flight will not be long enough to cause him any undue stress such as that suffered by Cosmonaut Titov, a U.S. Air Force expert reported. “Experiments by the Russians with animals and men as well as our own experiments […]

  10. Pharmacologist drinks heavy water in experiment

    Self-experimenter drank heavy water, then lived a long life.

  11. Science Past for January 27, 1962

    “SPACE WHISKERS” GROWN FOR NEW SPACE MATERIALS — Microscopically small “space whiskers” are being grown by scientists at Rocketdyne, a division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif., in search of methods of producing extremely strong new space materials. The fine filament-like crystals are being grown from many materials — lead, tin, copper, graphite, […]

  12. Science Future for January 28, 2012

    February 9 Learn about the science of wine and even stomp some grapes with your bare feet at the Durham, N.C., Museum of Life + Science. See February 13 Enjoy an after-hours tour highlighting displays of love in exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Learn more at
