
  1. Animals

    An echidna’s to-do list: Sleep. Eat. Dig up Australia.

    Short-beaked echidna’s to-do list looks good for a continent losing other digging mammals.

  2. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, fluoridation was promoted as a bone protector

    In 1966, scientists hoped fluoride might protect adult bone health. While the results broke down over time, the benefits for teeth remain clear.

  3. Tech

    Double-charging material makes a run in the sun extra powerful

    Textile stores energy from the sun and a person’s movements to power devices.

  4. Health & Medicine

    CDC sounds alarm on STDs

    The combined reported cases of three common sexually transmitted diseases reached a historic peak in 2015, a new CDC report says.

  5. Paleontology

    Dragon dinosaur met a muddy end

    ‘Mud dragon’ fossil discovered in China suggests that dinosaurs’ last days were an active time of evolution.

  6. Health & Medicine

    50 years later, vaccines have eliminated some diseases

    Vaccines have come a long way in 50 years.

  7. Earth

    Mount St. Helens is a cold-hearted volcano

    Geophysics reveals that deep beneath Mount St. Helens, there’s no source of hot magma, just a wedge of cold serpentinite rock. Where is the missing heat?

  8. Earth

    The southern San Andreas has a smaller, neighboring fault to its west

    The newly-discovered Salton Trough Fault runs parallel to the southern San Andreas Fault in California, potentially affecting the region’s earthquake risk.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Riding roller coasters might help dislodge kidney stones

    Researchers took a 3-D printed kidney containing tiny stones and urine for a spin on a roller coaster and found their patients’ stories of kidney stones passing on the ride to have merit.

  10. Earth

    There’s a new way to stop an earthquake: put a volcano in its path

    An earthquake rupturing along a fault in Japan was blockaded by the magma chamber below the Mount Aso volcano, researchers propose.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Staph infections still a concern

    Scientists have been searching for a vaccine against a deadly microbe for 50 years.

  12. Tech

    How to read a book without opening it

    New technique allows scientists to read the pages of an ancient text without opening the book.
