
  1. Astronomy

    50 years ago, a spacecraft discovered oxygen in moon rocks

    In 1967, scientists dreamed of lunar processing plants to turn moon rocks into oxygen.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Six in seven contact lens wearers take unnecessary risks with their eyes

    A lot of contact wearers are not practicing healthy habits with their lenses, a national survey finds.

  3. Astronomy

    How a meteor shower helped solve the case of the vanishing comet

    A missing comet has been linked to a long-lost meteor shower, helping astronomers recover both.

  4. Paleontology

    This giant marsupial was a seasonal migrant

    A new analysis suggests that Diprotodon optatum, a giant plant-eating marsupial that went extinct about 40,000 years ago, migrated long distances, much like today’s zebras and wildebeests.

  5. Health & Medicine

    About 1 in 5 teens has had a concussion

    Almost 20 percent of U.S. teens have had at least one diagnosed concussion in the past, an analysis of a 2016 national survey finds.

  6. Psychology

    Confusion lingers over health-related pros and cons of marijuana

    50 years ago, the effects of chronic marijuana smoking on mental health were hazy. They still are.

  7. Life

    This biochemist brews a wild beer

    Wild beer studies are teaching scientists and brewers about the tropical fruit smell and sour taste of success.

  8. Animals

    3-D scans of fossils suggest new fish family tree

    Analysis of specimens from China implies ray-finned fishes evolved later than previously thought.

  9. Animals

    A researcher reveals the shocking truth about electric eels

    A biologist records the electrical current traveling through his arm during an electric eel’s defensive leap attack.

  10. Environment

    Air pollution takes a toll on solar energy

    Dust and other tiny air pollutants can reduce solar energy output by as much as 25 percent in parts of the world.

  11. Tech

    50 years ago, West Germany embraced nuclear power

    In 1967, Germany gave nuclear power a try. Today, the country is trading nukes for renewables.

  12. Climate

    Rising temperatures threaten heat-tolerant aardvarks

    Aardvarks may get a roundabout hit from climate change — less food.
