
  1. Astronomy

    50 years ago, pulsars burst onto the scene

    Thousands of pulsars have been discovered since the announcement of their detection 50 years ago.

  2. Animals

    In a pack hunt, it’s every goatfish for itself

    Pack hunting among goatfish is really about self-interest.

  3. Earth

    By 2100, damaged corals may let waves twice as tall as today’s reach coasts

    Structurally complex coral reefs can defend coasts against waves, even as sea levels rise.

  4. Astronomy

    Loner gas clouds could be a new kind of stellar system

    Weird loner clumps of gas that have wandered for 1 billion years may have been stripped from a trio of larger galaxies.

  5. Animals

    A new species of tardigrade lays eggs covered with doodads and streamers

    These elegant eggs hint that a tardigrade found in a Japanese parking lot is a new species.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Global Virome Project is hunting for more than 1 million unknown viruses

    Scientists are searching for viruses lurking in animals that could threaten human health.

  7. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, early organ transplants brought triumph and tragedy

    In 1968, the liver transplant field had its first small successes. Now, more than 30,000 patients in the U.S. receive a donated liver each year.

  8. Plants

    The flowers that give us chocolate are ridiculously hard to pollinate

    Cacao trees are really fussy about pollination.

  9. Tech

    Mix of metals in this Picasso sculpture provides clues to its mysterious origins

    The alloys used to cast Picasso’s bronze sculptures provide a valuable piece of the puzzle in reconstructing the histories of the works of art.

  10. Astronomy

    James Webb Space Telescope challenges artists to see in infrared

    Astronomy artists face new challenges in translating James Webb’s invisible data into visuals.

  11. Health & Medicine

    14 cattle eyeworms removed from Oregon woman’s eye

    Oregon woman has the first ever eye infection with the cattle eyeworm Thelazia gulosa.

  12. Materials Science

    Smart windows could block brightness and harness light

    A new type of material pulls double-duty as window shade and solar cell.
