
  1. Migraine: What a Pain!

    About one in 10 Americans, most of them women, suffer recurrent bouts of intense, often debilitating headaches–a syndrome known as migraine. The Journal of the American Medical Association has developed a Web site that serves as a repository of background information and news of use to migraine victims and their families. Keep up with the […]

  2. Cell Atlas

    Spectacularly colorful, detailed microscope images of subcellular structures and organelles, from the nucleus to the Golgi apparatus, enliven this fantastic voyage into a monkey’s kidney cell. Presented by the Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, this online atlas provides not only a variety of images but also information on how the […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Lupus in Depth

    The Lupus Foundation of America provides a comprehensive Web site about this autoimmune disease, which affects up to 1.5 million people in the United States. The site offers information on the kinds of lupus, causes, symptoms, testing, and treatment. Students and researchers may also find it useful to check detailed accounts of ongoing studies. Go […]
