
  1. Math

    Prepping for Calculus

    The “Calculus Page” Web site provides links to a variety of resources for calculus students and teachers, from problem sets with step-by-step solutions to tips on preparing for exams. Linked sites offer online tutorials and courses, sample exams, animated examples, mathematical software, and information on calculus competitions and the history of calculus. Go to:

  2. From the February 8, 1930, issue

    VOLCANO WATCHERS BRAVE DRAGONS’ BREATH Regularly established and equipped volcano observatories are relatively few, for the business of watching volcanoes, unlike the related business of watching the weather, is a comparatively new science and has yet not developed a large trained personnel. The United States has only one volcano station, in spite of the fact […]

  3. Explore Antarctica with Nomad

    Follow the daily activities of Nomad, a roving robot searching for meteorites in Antarctica, at the Big Signal interactive Web site, developed by Peter Coppin of the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry in Carnegie Mellon’s College of Fine Arts. Check out daily progress reports, obtain background information, learn about telerobotics, and get a hint of what […]

  4. From the February 1, 1930, issue

    WHOSE MEMORY LIVES IN THIS EGYPTIAN TOMB? The great tomb of an unknown Egyptian who lived about 2800 B.C. has been discovered and entered by the expedition from the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, working at Meydum, fifty miles south of Cairo. A report just received from the director, Alan Rowe, states that the […]

  5. Beams of Our Lives

    What are energy beams? How do they carry information, cure disease, illuminate distant points, or create images on our television screens? Answers to these and other questions you probably never thought to ask can be found on a Web site hosted by the Center for Beam Physics at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Funky stick […]

  6. Humans

    From the August 6, 1932, issue

    WEIRD STINK-BUG PARENTS PRODUCE CURIOUS EGGS “Like parent, like child,” is one of the oldest and best-known folk-proverbs. It holds outside the human realm, too. For instance, the pair of stink-bugs which Cornelia Clarke’s magnifying camera lens caught for the cover of this issue of the Science News Letter are weird enough little monsters, in […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Obesity and Genetics

    Studies show that genes are a significant factor in developing obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide an online guide to the problem of obesity and insights into current research on the genetics of obesity. Go to:

  8. Humans

    From the July 30, 1932, issue

    LAYMAN TAKES GREAT INTEREST IN VIEWING TOTAL ECLIPSE When, on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 31, the shadow of the moon sweeps across eastern Canada and New England at the rate of some 2,000 miles an hour, hiding the sun for a little over a minute and a half, probably millions of people will see […]

  9. Animals

    Dragonfly Glitter

    Dragonflies bring a lot of glitter to glamour shots. Texas A&M’s entomology program offers a variety of stunning images to illustrate the considerable diversity of dragonfly species. A video captures a female laying eggs, and a sequence of images shows how junior grows up. Go to:

  10. From the July 23, 1932, issue

    DROP OF OIL ATOMIZED INTO 100,000,000 PARTICLES A tiny drop of fuel oil no larger than the head of a safety match has been torn into 100,000,000 particles at the research laboratory of the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., it is announced. Intensely hot combustion results at high efficiency. Engineers are expected to apply the […]

  11. Follow that Fossil!

    The Denver Museum of Nature and Science offers an introduction to the process of finding fossils and learning from them about the past. The museum’s Web site describes the prospecting, excavation, preparation, and exhibition of various types of plant and animal specimens. Go to:

  12. From the July 16, 1932, issue

    CANADIAN RESEARCH BUILDING READY FOR USE AT OTTAWA “In time of war, prepare for peace” is an adage worthy of being followed in economic conflict such as now grips the world. The impending dedication of Canada’s $3 million laboratory building at Ottawa for its National Research Council is a fitting reminder that research undertaken now […]
