
  1. Health & Medicine

    Herbal Activity

    The Alternative Medicine Foundation offers a searchable database that provides scientific and general information about the biochemical activity of a variety of herbs, from Achillea (Yarrow) to Ziziphus (Jujube). The entry for each herb includes warnings about dangers to human health and links to relevant abstracts in the scientific literature. Go to:

  2. Humans

    From the January 14, 1933, issue

    NEW TYPE OF ATOM-SMASHING GENERATOR NEARS COMPLETION The new type of electrostatic high-voltage generator being constructed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Round Hill, Mass., with a Research Corporation grant will be in operation in a few weeks. Dr. R.J. Van de Graaff, its inventor, President Karl T. Compton of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, […]

  3. Humans

    World Development News

    SciDev.Net offers news, opinion, and information about science and technology, particularly those aspects that affect developing countries around the world. The Web site maintains extensive “dossiers” on such topics as research ethics, climate change, indigenous knowledge, genetically modified crops, and intellectual property, with more to come. Go to:

  4. Humans

    From the June 14, 1930, issue

    WELLAND CANAL Slightly more than a century after the falls and rapids of Niagara were first overcome for water transportation by a canal only 8 feet deep, there has been completed on practically the same site a mammoth structure that will pass giant 600-foot lake grain vessels up and down the 326.5-foot difference in elevation […]

  5. Health & Medicine

    Snow and Cholera

    Most people have heard of cholera, but few know anything about John Snow, the British doctor who determined how the disease is spread. Epidemiologist Ralph R. Frerichs of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health has created a Web site devoted to Snow’s life and accomplishments, including such items as the full […]

  6. Humans

    From the January 7, 1933, issue

    ATOM BUILDING KEEPS STARS SHINING, SAYS A.A.A.S. HEAD The building up of other heavier atoms out of hydrogen stokes the internal heat of the stars, including the sun, Prof. Henry Norris Russell, Princeton University astronomer recently elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, suggested in the Maiben lecture before the Association. […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Health on the Net

    Assembled by the Health on the Net Foundation in Switzerland, this Web site posts an array of advice on health problems, offers lists of scientific meetings, and reports results from new biomedical studies. Particularly useful is its library of biomedical terms, which includes an allergy glossary designed to help people decipher the immune system. To […]

  8. Humans

    From the December 31, 1932, issue

    SIX COLORS MIX IN WATER AT BASE OF CAPITOL One of the most spectacular fountain lighting systems places the Capitol at Washington in a new setting, when the building is viewed from the direction of the Union Station. Engineers describe the recently installed system as a fixed color installation. Water in the fountain and terrace […]

  9. Wonderful World of Color

    What causes color? This nicely illustrated Web site offers vivid explanations of the different ways in which color arises when light interacts with matter. Go to:

  10. Humans

    From the December 17 & 24, 1932, issues

    BEAUTY FROZEN IN GLASS SERVES CAUSE OF SCIENCE Gems as fantastically beautiful as any that have ever glittered in dreams of a frosty Christmas fairyland are being made in glass for the American Museum of Natural History by Herman Mueller, reputed to be the world’s most skillful glassblower. They are not mere conventional designs, however, […]

  11. Humans

    From the December 17 & 24, 1932, issues

    BEAUTY FROZEN IN GLASS SERVES CAUSE OF SCIENCE Gems as fantastically beautiful as any that have ever glittered in dreams of a frosty Christmas fairyland are being made in glass for the American Museum of Natural History by Herman Mueller, reputed to be the world’s most skillful glassblower. They are not mere conventional designs, however, […]

  12. Humans

    Einstein’s Vision

    Accompanying the Einstein exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, this Web site offers a captivating portrait of the most famous scientist of the 20th century. Several online essays probe Albert Einstein’s theories, providing insights into light, time, energy, and gravity. Others explore aspects of his life and times. Go to:
