
  1. Humans

    From the July 22, 1933, issue

    PERKINS OBSERVATORY 69-INCH MIRROR IS THIRD LARGEST Third largest in the world and the first all-American giant telescope, the 69-inch telescope of Perkins Observatory of Ohio Wesleyan University is now in operation. When its mirror was being placed in position just after being coated with silver, the unusual photograph on this weeks cover was taken. […]

  2. Humans

    From the July 15, 1933, issue

    LIVELY YOUNG MARMOSETS SURVIVE IN CAPTIVITY Two lively, chattering young marmosets are growing up in San Francisco without the slightest notion of what “rare specimens” they are. They have a very great distinction of surviving birth in captivity. Naturalists say that this type of New World monkey is often born in captivity but usually the […]

  3. Earth

    National Atlas

    Provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior, this Web site features an interactive map generator that allows users to view and download custom maps of the United States. The maps access a database that includes information about the nation’s agriculture, biological resources, climate, environment, geology, history, transportation, watersheds, population distribution, county boundaries, and other […]

  4. Humans

    From the July 8, 1933, issue

    THE NYMPHS’ FLOWER Serene, cool, immaculate, the water lily floats beneath the summer sun, where the big flat drops of water shine like silver coins on the round, flat leaves. The water lily has been the delight of poets of all ages and peoples. Of moralists, too, who like to reflect that all that superb […]

  5. Astronomy

    Strange Matter

    What’s materials science? This engaging Web site for kids of all ages introduces “the study of stuff.” It describes how materials fit into different categories and provides accounts of what materials scientists do. Games and activities require a browser with a Flash plug-in. Go to:

  6. Humans

    From the July 1, 1933, issue

    SEVEN MUMMIES FROM TEXAS CAVE BROUGHT TO SMITHSONIAN Seven mummies preserved apparently by natural dryness of the Texas cave where they were buried, have just been received by the Smithsonian institution. The mummies shed new light on the prehistoric cave dwellers of the Big Bend region of Texas whose cave shelters have been explored in […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Prostate Health

    Many men over age 50 rarely sleep through the night. Instead, they find themselves awake and needing to urinate when, as younger men, this rarely happened. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases offers an excellent resource on the most common cause of frequent and urgent urination in men–benign prostatic hyperplasia, or […]

  8. Humans

    From the June 24, 1933, issue

    LIGHTNING Lightning, most awesome of the spectacular forces of nature, has yielded some of its mystery to science. But not all. We no longer credit it, as did our ancestors, to an angry Zeus or an impetuous Thor. Since Ben Franklin flew his adventurous kites, nearly two centuries ago, we know it is “made of […]

  9. Earth

    Meteorite Crater

    The Barringer Crater in Arizona is one of the more famous geological sites on Earth. This Web site recounts the history and science of the crater’s formation 50,000 years ago and provides information about its discovery, its purchase by D.M. Barringer, and its current status. Go to:

  10. Humans

    From the June 17, 1933, issue

    STRATOSPHERE SHELL PREPARED FOR NAVIGATORS The little metal sphere that will be the stratosphere home of two men and scientific instruments for a few hours next month is rapidly being completed (SNL, May 27, ’33, p. 323). It is pictured on the front cover with Dr. Jean F. Piccard emerging at the unfinished vertex of […]

  11. Earth

    Rocks for Kids

    Can’t tell pyrite from magnetite? Looking for an entertaining, colorful introduction to rocks and minerals? The Mineralogical Society of America has created a Web site, aimed at kids, that provides information about minerals and their classification, properties, and uses. It includes a selection of games with a mineral theme. Go to:

  12. Humans

    From the June 10, 1933, issue

    BRAINLIKE STALAGMITES FOUND IN MARYLAND CAVE Stalagmite deposits shaped like human brains have been found on the floor of a newly discovered cave in Mount Etna, near Beaver Creek, Md., about 60 miles from Washington. James H. Benn of the Smithsonian Institution staff, who was detailed to make a geological investigation, brought one of them […]
