
  1. X-treme Microbes

    This graphics-heavy online feature tells the stories of microbes that survive and even thrive in inhospitable environments, including bone-dry deserts, boiling acid, and radioactive rock. The National Science Foundation launched the site last month. Go to:

  2. Humans

    From the May 1, 1937, issue

    A vitamin image, sugar versus alcohol, and patterns in cells.

  3. Physics

    Exploring Time

    This new educational site offers time-lapse and high-speed video clips, 3D scientific animations, and other visually stunning features that reveal how events unfold on different timescales—from billionths of seconds to billions of years—and take place too quickly or too slowly for the human senses to perceive. Go to:

  4. Humans

    From the April 24, 1937, issue

    Solving a local mystery and closing in on chlorophyll synthesis.

  5. Humans

    Federal Citizen Information Center

    This unit of the U.S. government provides practical guides and fact sheets, most of which are free, on a variety topics related to particular aspects of health, food, computers, and more. Recent free documents include “Sleep Disorders,” “Sunscreens and Tanning,” and “Internet Auctions: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers.” Go to:

  6. Earth

    Earth 911

    Earth Day comes only once a year, but you can give Mother Earth a gift every day. The site Earth 911 makes it easy to be environmentally responsible. The Web portal offers ideas on how to recycle old electronics, dispose of hazardous materials, conserve energy, and shop green—and all its tips are tailored to your […]

  7. Humans

    From the April 17, 1937, issue

    Signs of spring, new elements in space, and the future of atomic energy.

  8. From the April 10, 1937, issue

    Living pearls and a clue to atomic structure.

  9. Earth

    Greaseball Challenge

    And they’re off! The participants in this charity biofuel car rally are on their way from the U.S. East Coast to San Jose, Costa Rica. Powered by biodiesel, vegetable oil, waste grease, and other alternative fuels, the vehicles will all be donated to local communities at the end of the rally, which runs until April […]

  10. Humans

    From the April 3, 1937, issue

    Life in glass and the science of gambling.

  11. Ecosystems

    The Great Turtle Race

    This international conservation event involves 11 leatherback turtles that are “racing” toward feeding areas south of the Galapagos Islands. Pick your favorite of these endangered animals and follow its progress, as tracked by satellite, from April 16 to April 29. Go to:

  12. The Billion Tree Campaign

    The United Nations Environment Programme has launched a major global tree-planting campaign to encourage people, businesses, and governments to enter tree-planting pledges online. The effort’s objective is to plant at least one billion trees worldwide during 2007. Go to:
