
  1. Genetics

    DNA reveals early mating between Asian herders and European farmers

    A new genetic analysis could upend assumptions about the origins of Indo-European languages.

  2. Life

    Evolutionarily, grandmas are good for grandkids — up to a point

    Women may live past their reproductive years because they help their grandchildren survive, but there are limits to that benefit.

  3. Climate

    2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, and it’s getting even hotter

    Record-level rains and temperatures struck different regions of the world in 2018, the fourth warmest year on record.

  4. Climate

    Collapsing ice cliffs may not contribute to sea level rise

    Scientists debate a controversial hypothesis that suggests that massive crumbling ice cliffs could speed up future sea level rise.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Why some children may get strep throat more often than others

    Kids with recurrent strep throat appear to have a defective immune response to the bacteria that cause the infections, a study finds.

  6. Genetics

    What FamilyTreeDNA sharing genetic data with police means for you

    Law enforcement can now use one company’s private DNA database to investigate rapes and murders.

  7. Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is learning not to be so literal

    Artificial intelligence is learning how to take things not so literally.

  8. Astronomy

    A space rock collision may explain how this exoplanet was born

    Simulations suggest a planet roughly 2,000 light-years away formed when two space rocks collided, supporting the idea that such events are universal.

  9. Humans

    Why it’s key to identify preschoolers with anxiety and depression

    With mounting evidence that very young children can experience anxiety and depression, efforts are underway to identify and treat them early.

  10. Humans

    Here’s what makes satire so funny, according to science

    Analysis of headlines from the satirical newspaper The Onion could help you — or a computer — write humorous news headlines.

  11. Physics

    Lasers could send messages right to a listener’s ear

    Communication in noisy environments or dangerous situations could one day rely on lasers.

  12. Planetary Science

    Titan’s oddly thick atmosphere may come from cooked organic compounds

    Saturn’s moon Titan might get some of its hazy atmosphere by baking organic molecules in a warm core.
