
  1. Psychology

    STEM professors’ beliefs on intelligence may widen the racial achievement gap

    Seeing intelligence as fixed can result in lower grades, especially for certain minorities

  2. Earth

    Muons reveal the whopping voltages inside a thunderstorm

    Particle physics sheds new light on the electric potential of thunderstorms.

  3. Materials Science

    A new insulation material is practically weightless yet still durable

    Extreme heat and temperature swings are no match for this lightweight insulator.

  4. Climate

    Climate change could increase foodborne illness by energizing flies

    Warmer, more lively house flies could spread more Campylobacter bacteria by landing on more food.

  5. Life

    Slow sperm may fail at crashing ‘gates’ on their way to an egg

    A new study describes how sperm navigate narrow straits in the reproductive tract’s obstacle course to reach an egg.

  6. Planetary Science

    After 15 years on Mars, it’s the end of the road for Opportunity

    After 15 years of exploring Mars, a dust storm led to the demise of NASA’s longest-lived rover.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Photons reveal a weird effect called the quantum pigeonhole paradox

    Quantum particles seem to disobey a fundamental principle of mathematics.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Congo’s Ebola outbreak is a testing ground for new treatments

    The first multidrug clinical trial of Ebola treatments is underway amid an outbreak in Congo.

  9. Archaeology

    The spread of Europe’s giant stone monuments may trace back to one region

    Megaliths spread across the continent due to seafarers’ influence, researcher says.

  10. Climate

    An Antarctic expedition will search for what lived under the Larsen C ice shelf

    The fourth attempt to investigate the seafloor once hidden by the Larsen C iceberg may have the best chance yet of success.

  11. Neuroscience

    Brain scans decode an elusive signature of consciousness

    Newly described patterns of brain activity may help reveal the level of awareness in people with brain injuries.

  12. Genetics

    DNA reveals early mating between Asian herders and European farmers

    A new genetic analysis could upend assumptions about the origins of Indo-European languages.
