
  1. Health & Medicine

    What WHO calling the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic means

    The world’s top global health organization is asking countries to double down on efforts to both contain the virus and mitigate its impact.

  2. Paleontology

    This ancient dinosaur was no bigger than a hummingbird

    The skull of one of these Mesozoic Era birds — the tiniest yet known — was discovered encased in a chunk of amber originally found in Myanmar.

  3. Astronomy

    Heavy metal may rain from the skies of planet WASP 76b

    Astronomers saw hints of iron rain on an ultrahot gas giant, an exoplanet where starlike atmospheric temperatures drive weird weather.

  4. Life

    This is the first deep-sea fish known to be a mouthbreeder

    Scientists found over 500 eggs attached to the inside of a parazen fish’s mouth.

  5. Anthropology

    An ancient social safety net in Africa was built on beads

    A Stone Age network of communities across southern Africans was established using ostrich shell beads by around 33,000 years ago.

  6. Physics

    Even a weird hypernucleus confirms a fundamental symmetry of nature

    A particle accelerator experiment reveals that a symmetry of nature holds up and hints at what could lurk at the heart of a neutron star.

  7. Animals

    Sea turtles may confuse the smell of ocean plastic with food

    Sea turtles respond to the smell of plastic that’s been in the ocean similarly to food, suggesting the reptiles may end up eating the harmful debris.

  8. Health & Medicine

    What you need to know about coronavirus testing in the U.S.

    Testing for the new coronavirus is still limited but could ramp up soon, thanks in part to tests developed by state laboratories and companies.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Travel bans have barely slowed the coronavirus’s spread

    Travel restrictions in Wuhan and greater China have only modestly impacted the spread of the virus to other countries, researchers say.

  10. Particle Physics

    Physicists have narrowed the mass range for hypothetical dark matter axions

    In two new studies, scientists search for axions within new mass ranges but the particles remain elusive.

  11. Planetary Science

    Some ‘superpuff’ exoplanets may actually be ringed worlds like Saturn

    “Superpuff” planets look fluffy and light. But for some of the worlds, the effect could instead be explained by large, rocky rings, a study suggests.

  12. Health & Medicine

    A dog in Hong Kong has a low-level infection of the new coronavirus

    There’s currently no evidence that pets can actually get sick from the virus or pass it to people or other animals.
