
  1. Archaeology

    A biblical-era Israeli shrine shows signs of the earliest ritual use of marijuana

    Chemical analyses reveal a residue of cannabis and animal dung on an altar from a biblical-era fortress in use more than 2,700 years ago.

  2. Climate

    How more powerful Pacific cyclones may be fueling global warming

    Increasingly strong storms in the North Pacific may be speeding up the fast-moving Kuroshio Current — which could bring more heat to high latitudes.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Wastewater could provide up to a week of warning for a COVID-19 spike

    A new study adds to evidence that sewage may serve as an early warning signal that the coronavirus has hit a community.

  4. Space

    SpaceX’s astronaut launch marks a milestone for commercial spaceflight

    Two NASA astronauts aboard the privately built Crew Dragon capsule are the first to be sent into orbit from U.S. soil since 2011.

  5. Space

    Half the universe’s ordinary matter was missing — and may have been found

    Astronomers have used fast radio bursts as cosmic weigh stations to tease out where the universe’s “missing matter” resides.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Is the coronavirus mutating? Yes. But here’s why you don’t need to panic

    Some studies claim there are new strains of the coronavirus, but lab experiments are needed to see if mutations are changing how it infects cells.

  7. Physics

    A star shredded by a black hole may have spit out an extremely energetic neutrino

    A star’s fatal encounter with a black hole might have produced a neutrino with oomph.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Politics aside, hydroxychloroquine could (maybe) help fight COVID-19

    Hydroxychloroquine may help prevent COVID-19, or it may not. Studies are under way to find out. Meanwhile, here’s what we know.

  9. Life

    Pollen-deprived bumblebees may speed up plant blooming by biting leaves

    In a pollen shortage, some bees nick holes in tomato leaves that accelerate flowering, and pollen production, by weeks.

  10. Health & Medicine

    There are two versions of the coronavirus. One’s not more dangerous than the other

    Factors such as a person’s age and white blood cell counts matter more for disease severity when it comes to COVID-19, a study finds.

  11. Astronomy

    The oldest disk galaxy yet found formed more than 12 billion years ago

    A spinning disk galaxy similar to the Milky Way formed just 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang, much earlier than astronomers thought was possible.

  12. Tech

    A new artificial eye mimics and may outperform human eyes

    A new artificial eyeball boasts a field of view and reaction time similar to that of real eyes.
