
  1. Animals

    Culling dingoes with poison may be making them bigger

    Meat laced with toxic powder has been used for decades to kill dingoes. Now, dingoes in baited areas are changing: They’re getting bigger.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Dust can spread influenza among guinea pigs, raising coronavirus questions

    In three out of 12 guinea pig pairs, an animal coated in influenza virus, but immune to infection, spread the virus to another rodent through dust.

  3. Astronomy

    In a first, astronomers spotted a space rock turning into a comet

    Scientists have caught a space rock in the act of shifting from a Kuiper Belt object to a comet. That process won’t be complete until 2063.

  4. Earth

    Death Valley hits 130° F, the hottest recorded temperature on Earth since 1931

    Amid a heat wave in the western United States, California’s Death Valley is back in the record books with the third hottest temperature ever recorded.

  5. Life

    How two new fungus species got named after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Tiny fuzz on a beetle and fake leopard spots on palms now have Latin names that will forever nod to the new coronavirus.

  6. Astronomy

    Hubble watched a lunar eclipse to see Earth from an alien’s perspective

    Hubble observed sunlight filtering through Earth’s atmosphere during a lunar eclipse to see what a habitable exoplanet’s atmosphere might look like.

  7. Science & Society

    Interfaith soccer teams eased Muslim-Christian tensions — to a point

    Soccer bonded Christian and Muslim teammates in Iraq, but that camaraderie didn’t change attitudes.

  8. Neuroscience

    Newly discovered cells in mice can sense four of the five tastes

    Some cells in mice can sense bitter, sweet, sour and umami. Without the cells, some flavor signals don’t get to the ultimate tastemaker — the brain.

  9. Archaeology

    The oldest known grass beds from 200,000 years ago included insect repellents

    Found in South Africa, 200,000-year-old bedding remnants included fossilized grass, bug-repelling ash and once aromatic camphor leaves.

  10. Life

    Climate change, not hunters, may have killed off woolly rhinos

    Ancient DNA indicates that numbers of woolly rhinos held steady long after people arrived on the scene.

  11. Health & Medicine

    4 reasons you shouldn’t trash your neck gaiter based on the new mask study

    Despite news coverage to the contrary, the study was meant to figure out how to evaluate masks, not actually do the comparison.

  12. Physics

    Four types of flames join forces to make this eerie ‘blue whirl’

    Pinning down the structure of the “amazingly complex” blaze could help scientists control it.
