
  1. Astronomy

    Ground-based telescope detects star’s corona

    Astronomers using a ground-based telescope have for the first time observed near-ultraviolet light from the corona of a star other than our sun.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Surgery for epilepsy outshines medication

    People with severe epilepsy who undergo brain surgery have markedly fewer disabling seizures during the following year than do those relying on medication.

  3. Chemistry

    Researchers take an element off the table

    Researchers have retracted their 1999 claim that they had created the heaviest member of the periodic table so far, element 118.

  4. Agriculture

    Gene Makes Tomatoes Tolerate Salt

    The world's first genetically engineered salt-tolerant tomato plant may help farmers utilize spoiled lands.

  5. Chemistry

    Longest carbon-carbon bonds discovered

    Researchers have found a type of carbon-carbon bond that's twice as long as the longest naturally occurring bond linking two carbon atoms.

  6. Chemistry

    Carbon nanotubes show superconductivity

    Researchers have made individual superconductive carbon nanotubes that are just 0.4 nanometer wide.

  7. Physics

    Insects in the wind lead to less power

    A previously puzzling pattern of power loss in wind turbines results from coatings of insects that were smashed by the blades during low winds.

  8. Physics

    Turning magnetic resonance inside out

    A new method of manipulating magnetic signals makes it possible to gather useful information about a chemical sample—or perhaps one day a person—without often-claustrophobic confinement inside a magnetic coil.

  9. Physics

    Quantum queerness gets quick, compact

    New ways to trap and cool atoms may hasten practical uses of strange ultracold atom clouds known as Bose-Einstein condensates.

  10. Animals

    Don’t look now, but is that dog laughing?

    Researchers have identified a particular exhalation that dogs make while playing as a possible counterpart to a human laugh.

  11. Paleontology

    For past climate clues, ask a stalag-mite

    Mites fossilized in cave formations in the American Southwest show that at times during the past 3,200 years the climate there was much wetter and cooler.

  12. Earth

    Climate accord reached

    Negotiators, without U.S. representatives' input, resolved controversies in Bonn that were blocking an international treaty to limit greenhouse gases.
