
  1. Computing

    Web worms: Code Red to Warhol

    Using an efficient infection strategy, a malicious programmer could deploy a rogue computer program far more voracious than the Code Red worm that struck on July 19.

  2. Physics

    Accelerators load some new ammo: Crystals

    To make denser accelerator beams that may open new doors in physics, researchers have chilled ions in a miniature test accelerator until the ions coalesced into crystals.

  3. Materials Science

    Chemical sensors gain true portability

    Researchers have designed simple new films for indicating the presence of worrisome airborne chemicals.

  4. Earth

    Deep-sea gear takes wild ride on lava

    When a set of instruments monitoring an underwater volcano got trapped in an eruption in early 1998, the scientists who had deployed the sensors ended up with more data than they bargained for.

  5. Animals

    Smart tags show unexpected tuna trips

    The first report on Atlantic bluefin tuna wearing electronic tags reveals much more dashing across the ocean than expected.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers spy familiar planetary system

    Studying a star in the Big Dipper, astronomers have for the first time found a planetary system that reminds them of home.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Drugs Counter Mad Cow Agent in Cells

    Fueled only by promising studies of cells, a California research team has invited controversy by beginning to give a little-used malaria drug to patients who have the human version of mad cow disease.

  8. Humans

    Cloning hearing creates media frenzy

    A panel reviewing human cloning heard the pros and cons of the issue during a fiery debate.

  9. Humans

    Bush favors some stem cell research

    President Bush said he would support work on stem cells that already had been propagated from embryos otherwise fated for disposal in fertility clinics, but he opposes financing the destruction of additional embryos to create new cell lines.

  10. Astronomy

    Eros: The movie

    Close-up views of the asteroid 433 Eros, showing jagged rocks, fields of boulders, and debris-filled craters, are featured in a minute-long movie.

  11. Astronomy

    Senior star may have comets

    Astronomers have found what could be the first evidence of water-bearing objects that orbit a star other than the sun.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Could this be the end of the monthly period?

    Two compounds stop menstruation in monkeys, suggesting that similar drugs might someday enable women to bypass monthly bleeding.
