
  1. Animals

    It’s a snake! No, a fish. An octopus?

    An as-yet-unnamed species of octopus seems to be protecting itself by impersonating venomous animals from sea snakes to flatfish.

  2. Human Brains May Take Unique Turn

    Preliminary evidence indicates that the human brain may undergo a unique form of fetal development that facilitates the growth of brain areas involved in symbolic thought and language.

  3. Computing

    Computer paints a charged bioportrait

    By employing a novel computational strategy, researchers have mapped the electrical landscape of biological molecules made up of more than 1 million atoms.

  4. Paleontology

    New fossil sheds light on dinosaurs’ diet

    Vestiges of soft tissue preserved in a 70-million-year-old Mongolian fossil suggest that some dinosaurs could have strained small bits of food from the water and mud of streams and ponds, just like some modern aquatic birds do.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Insulin lowers more than blood sugar

    Insulin may reduce inflammation and protect the heart.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Healing the heart from within

    An unusual mouse strain can regenerate heart tissue when the organ is damaged.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Stem cell research marches on

    Cells from human embryos can be transformed into heart cells or insulin-secreting cells.

  8. Paleontology

    Completing a titan by getting a head

    When paleontologists unearthed the skeleton of a 70-million-year-old titanosaur in Madagascar in the late 1990s, they also recovered something that had been missing from previous such finds: a skull that matched the body.

  9. Paleontology

    That’s no footprint, it’s got no toes

    The impressions near Isona, Spain, long thought to be fossilized dinosaur footprints may actually record the feeding behavior of stingrays.

  10. Animals

    Big woodpeckers trash others’ homes

    Pileated woodpeckers destroy in an afternoon the nesting cavities that take endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers 6 years to excavate.

  11. Animals

    When rare species eat endangered ones

    To cut down on their salmon smolt catch, Caspian terns were encouraged to move from one island to another in the Columbia River.

  12. Animals

    Oops. New feathers turn out lousy

    Going to the trouble of molting doesn't really get rid of a bird's lice after all.
