
  1. Health & Medicine

    Blood vessels (sans blood) shape organs

    Even before they begin to carry blood, blood vessels provide signals that help spark the development of organs such as the liver.

  2. Animals

    Meerkat pups grow fatter with extra adults

    Meerkat pups growing up in large, cooperative groups are heftier because there are more adults to entreat for food.

  3. Anthropology

    Isotopes reveal sources of ancient timbers

    Isotopic analysis of architectural timbers from ancient dwellings in the U.S. Southwest has shown from which distant forests the massive logs came.

  4. Astronomy

    Probe’s comet encounter yields close-ups

    A crippled NASA probe successfully navigated close enough to Comet Borrelly to capture and beam home black-and-white and infared images of its nucleus and new data about ions and other particles that radiate from it.

  5. Physics

    Atomic Crowds Tied by Quantum Thread

    Quantum states of record numbers of atoms—entire atom clouds—get blended together by physicists wielding a new, relatively simple technique in quantum telecommunications and computing.

  6. Astronomy

    After a failure, a new craft to sail

    Despite the July 20 failure of its mission to test the unfurling of a solar sail in a suborbital trajectory, the Planetary Society announced plans in late August to conduct a second test of a sail-propelled craft.

  7. Astronomy

    A meteorite’s pristine origins

    A rare, carbon-rich meteorite that fell into a frozen Canadian lake last year ranks as the most pristine of such specimens ever found.

  8. Astronomy

    Gravity’s lens: Finding a sextet of images

    Astronomers have for the first time found a gravitational lens in which the image of a distant galaxy has been split into six distinct images.

  9. Astronomy

    Gravity’s lens: Finding a dim cluster

    Relying solely on a gravitational mirage rather than visible images, astronomers have discovered a previously unknown cluster of galaxies and measured its distance from Earth.

  10. Youthful nicotine addiction may be growing

    Although the rate of daily cigarette smoking has declined among teenagers and young adults over the past 20 years, the number of smokers in this age range who develop nicotine dependence has risen dramatically.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Alcohol on your breath need not be all bad

    Drugs such as insulin may be delivered by inhaling mists of medicine-containing alcohol.

  12. Animals

    Shhh! Is that scrape a caterpillar scrap?

    A series of staged conflicts reveals the first known acoustic duels in caterpillars.
