
  1. Maternal care may leave brain legacy

    Rat experiments indicate that mothers' licking and grooming of offspring induces biological changes in female pups that in turn regulate their maternal behavior as adults.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Epilepsy article wins award

    The Epilepsy Foundation honored Science News writer Damaris Christensen with its magazine award for her article "Endgame for Epilepsy?"

  3. Health & Medicine

    Beta-blockade guards burn victims’ muscle

    A medication that reduces the risk of heart attack also can diminish a muscle-wasting metabolic response common among victims of severe trauma or illness.

  4. Virgin birth infections shift wasp targets

    Scientists have found a second bacterial infection that can cause an insect version of virgin births, but this one can affect the host that a wasp attacks.

  5. Chemistry

    Bitter truth about beer comes to a head

    Chemists have figured out exactly how beers develop a skunky flavor and smell.

  6. Female chimps don’t stray in mate search

    Genetic testing of chimpanzees living in western Africa indicates that females usually seek mates within their home communities, a finding that contradicts some previous reports.

  7. Gene influences density of the skeleton

    The mutated gene responsible for a rare bone disorder has been found.

  8. Astronomy

    Age of the universe: A new determination

    Analyzing the faint glow left over from the Big Bang, scientists report measuring the age of the cosmos with unprecedented accuracy—14 billion years, accurate to within half a billion years.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Team locates anthrax-receptor protein

    Scientists have identified the protein that enables the anthrax toxin to attach to cells and trigger disease, while another team has mapped the molecular structure of the toxin component that does most of the damage to cells.

  10. Paleontology

    Fossils Indicate. . .Wow, What a Croc!

    Newly discovered fossils of an ancient cousin of modern crocodiles suggest that adults of the species may have been dinosaur-munching behemoths that grew to the length of a school bus and weighed as much as 8 metric tons.

  11. Tech

    Brain cells stay in focus as rats roam

    So light that it doesn't weigh down a rat's head, a new microscope mounted over a hole in the awake animal's skull promises to open a window into individual neurons as a rat carries out normal activities.

  12. Tech

    Natural micromachines get the points

    In custom-made microscopic channels marked with arrows, mobile and thread-like cell structures called microtubules no longer wander aimlessly but slither in a fixed direction—a potential step toward tiny, man-made factories where cellular micromachinery churns out drugs or novel materials.
