
  1. Humans

    Talent Search: Student finalists’ flair for science to be rewarded

    A panel of judges announced the 40 finalists in the 61st annual Intel Science Talent Search.

  2. Plants

    Petite pollinators: Tree raises its own crop of couriers

    A common tropical tree creates farms in its buds, where it raises its own work force of tiny pollinators.

  3. Astronomy

    Supernova dealt deaths on Earth? Stellar blasts may have killed ancient marine life

    The explosion of nearby supernova may have caused the widespread extinction of marine life on Earth 2 million years ago.

  4. Chemistry

    Viral parts: Chemists convert virus into nanoscale tool

    Researchers are decorating viruses with a variety of molecules, making the microbes into potential building blocks in electronic circuits and new materials, as well as tools in biomedical therapies.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Ominous signals: Genes may identify the worst breast cancers

    By using a technology that reveals patterns of gene activity in tumor cells, researchers can detect breast cancers that are likely to spread and become deadly.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Drink and thrive: Moderate alcohol use reduces dementia risk

    Alcohol appears to reduce aging drinkers' risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of age-related dementia.

  7. Ecosystems

    Genetic lynx: North American lynx make one huge family

    A new study of lynx in North America suggests the animals interbreed widely, sometimes with populations thousands of kilometers away.

  8. Astronomy

    Some new stars in the neighborhood

    As part of an ongoing survey of faint stars in the southern skies, astronomers have discovered 12 previously unknown stars that lie within a mere 33 light-years of Earth.

  9. Earth

    Biotech-crop laws were big in 2001

    Twenty-two state legislatures passed bills in 2001 addressing agricultural biotechnology, which concerns the development of genetically modified crops.

  10. Physics

    Balloon bursts give clue to fast cracks

    A casual observation about the edges of popped balloons may have led researchers to previously unknown features of the most common and least understood types of fractures.

  11. Astronomy

    Seeing green: Color of the cosmos

    We live in a pale-green universe, according to astronomers who analyzed the colors of some 200,000 galaxies as part of the largest galaxy survey completed to date.

  12. Astronomy

    Are pictures of extrasolar planets in the offing?

    The first image of a planet orbiting a star other than the sun may be only a year away.
