
  1. Evolution’s Death Row: Groups surviving mass extinction still go bust

    Groups of species may persist through major extinction events only to die off in the aftermath.

  2. Materials Science

    Wiregate: Metallic picket fence flips magnetic bits

    Rather than relegate magnetic fields to the usual backup role of data storage for computers, a new microcircuit exploits those fields for computation, possibly leading to cheaper, lower-power chips than traditional electronic ones.

  3. Plants

    Mirror Image: Flowers with opposite styles have a fling

    Scientists have discovered a gene that controls whether flowers lean to the left or the right.

  4. Astronomy

    Outlier Planet: Extrasolar places that are like home

    A team of veteran hunters of planets outside the solar system has come up with a landmark finding: a Jupiterlike planet orbiting a Sunlike star at a Jupiterlike distance.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Smart Drugs: Leukemia treatments nearing prime time

    Three new drugs stop acute myeloid leukemia in mice, suggesting the treatments will work in people with this deadly blood cancer.

  6. Physics

    Voyager spacecraft still buffeted by sun

    Even though the two Voyager probes launched in 1977 passed the outermost planets in our solar system more than a decade ago, their sensors show that they can't yet outrun the influence of solar flares.

  7. Earth

    Famed undersea vent may be lost

    When scientists last month tried to revisit an undersea hydrothermal vent first discovered nearly a quarter of a century ago, they found the site desolate, possibly paved by a fresh volcanic eruption.

  8. Earth

    Mangled microfossils may mark impact sites

    Scientists studying sediment cores drilled in eastern Virginia say they’ve possibly identified a new clue to the locations of ancient, hidden impact craters: Just look for broken or twisted microbial fossils.

  9. Humans

    Small lab animals exempted from law

    The new farm bill explicitly exempts rats, mice, and birds from coverage under the federal Animal Welfare Act.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Chemical stops allergic reaction in tests

    Researchers have developed a protein that short-circuits allergic reactions in mice and in tissue cultures of human cells.

  11. Animals

    Bay leaves may make rat nests nicer

    Wood rats may be fumigating their nests with bits of California bay leaves, sprigs that killed flea larvae in lab tests.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Shuttling medicines via blood cells

    Researchers have developed a way of encapsulating drugs in red blood cells, which can be used to deliver low doses of anti-inflammatory drugs to cystic fibrosis patients.
