
  1. Chemistry

    A new molecule and a new signature

    In two independent discoveries, chemists have prepared a new form of nitrogen and captured the infrared spectrum of an unusual molecule made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

  2. Materials Science

    Scientists make nanothermometer

    A carbon nanotube filled with gallium can be used to measure temperatures in microscopic environments.

  3. Astronomy

    UV telescopes: One dead, one revived

    One ultraviolet observatory burned up in Earth's atmosphere late last month while another has gotten a new lease on life.

  4. Women whiff men in sniff proficiency

    Women of reproductive age exhibit a unique ability to learn to detect specific smells with great sensitivity, an aptitude that may reflect the activity of female hormones in the brain.

  5. Animals

    Yellower blue tits make better dads

    The yellow feathers on a male blue tit's breast could tell females that he'll be a good provider for the chicks.

  6. Plants

    Tropical plants grow cool flowers

    Tropical plants that position their flowers in the general direction of the sun are keeping the temperature comfortable for pollinators.

  7. Humans

    Protection money: Budget favors defense and bioterror research

    The budget proposal that President Bush forwarded to Congress includes the largest-ever increase for scientific research and development, with particularly generous provisions for defense and health research programs.

  8. Planetary Science

    Extreme weather: Massive hurricanes meet on Jupiter

    Both professional and amateur sky watchers are pointing their telescopes at Jupiter as two titanic storms in the giant planet's upper atmosphere meet each other.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Slowing lupus: Stifled inflammation limits kidney damage

    A new therapy for the autoimmune disease lupus works in mice by thwarting activation of immune-system proteins called complement.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Taking a toll: Antiviral drugs activate immune system

    Promising antiviral drugs activate a key immune-system protein.

  11. Earth

    Hard rock jellies: Throng of rare fossils found in Midwest quarry

    A Wisconsin sandstone quarry recently served up a rare scientific find nearly a half billion years in the making: fossils of an armada of jellyfish that stud the site’s stone slabs.

  12. Dose of caution: New antipsychotic meds produce muted benefits

    A large clinical trial finds only a modest advantage for a new class of antipsychotic drugs over traditional medications in treating chronic schizophrenia.
