
  1. Encouraging signs but no woodpecker

    A birding team searching in Louisiana for the possibly extinct ivory-billed woodpecker heard a promising pattern of taps but did not see the bird or hear it calling.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine Power: Immune cells target cancerous tissue

    Researchers are enlisting a person's own immune system to attack prostate tissue, including cancerous cells.

  3. Ecosystems

    Cryptic Invasion: Native reeds harbor aggressive alien

    A mild-mannered reed native to the United States is getting blamed for the mayhem caused by an evil twin.

  4. Humans

    And Counting . . . : Latest census resets U.S. population clock

    The 2000 census missed a little more than 1 percent of the nation’s population, due in part to a surge of undocumented immigrants to the United States in the late 1990s.

  5. Archaeology

    Almond Joy, Stone Age Style: Our ancestors had a bash eating wild nuts

    New finds at a 780,000-year-old Israeli site indicate that its ancient residents used stone tools to crack open a variety of hard-shelled nuts that were gathered as a dietary staple.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Suspicious DNA: Chromosome study homes in on Alzheimer’s disease

    Several human chromosomes now face intensified scrutiny for possibly harboring genes involved in Alzheimer's disease.

  7. Tech

    Beam Team: Unusual laser emits a band of light

    A novel laser on a microchip emits a band of light rather than the single, pure color usually expected from a laser.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Chill Out: Mild hypothermia aids heart attack recovery

    Icing down patients who have just had a heart stoppage may boost their survival chances and prevent brain damage in those who pull through.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Indoor tanning ups all skin cancer rates

    Artificial sunbathing using ultraviolet lights increases the risk of all types of skin cancer.

  10. Physics

    A new way to stick it to flies

    Researchers have measured the amount of static charge that a walking house fly generates.

  11. Earth

    Shuttle yields detailed, 3-D atlas

    NASA scientists and Defense Department mapmakers are assembling billions of radar measurements made from the space shuttle Endeavour to produce what they say will be the world’s best topographic map.

  12. Paleontology

    Dinosaur tracks show walking and running

    A single trail of dinosaur footprints found in a British limestone quarry preserves a record of two different walking styles in the same animal, a tantalizing clue that some types of lumbering, bipedal dinosaurs could also run if the need arose.
