
  1. Tech

    Voltage from the Bottom of the Sea: Ooze-dwelling microbes can power electronics

    Some types of bacteria living in seafloor mud can generate enough electricity to power small electronic devices.

  2. Animals

    Altruistic Sperm: Mouse gametes team up to power one winner

    The sperm of wood mice hook together by the thousands to form high-speed teams racing toward an egg, even though only one of the pack will get the prize.

  3. Materials Science

    Healing Wounds: Interactive dressing speeds the process

    A new, easily prepared hydrogel material promotes more rapid wound healing in laboratory animals than do conventional dressings.

  4. Animals

    Pesticides Mess with Immunity: Double whammy promotes frog deformities

    Agricultural pollutants may conspire with parasites to cause the epidemic of limb deformity that's sweeping through North America's frog populations.

  5. Anthropology

    Evolution’s Surprise: Fossil find uproots our early ancestors

    Researchers announced the discovery of a nearly complete fossil skull, along with jaw fragments and isolated teeth, from the earliest known member of the human evolutionary family, which lived in central Africa between 7 million and 6 million years ago.

  6. Planetary Science

    Pristine fragments of asteroid breakup

    Planetary scientists have for the first time precisely dated a collision that smashed an asteroid into fragments.

  7. Paleontology

    Fossil leaves yield extinction clues

    Analyses of fossil leaves provide more evidence that the mass extinctions that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago were sudden and probably brought about by an extraterrestrial impact.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Dynamite discovery on nitroglycerin

    Scientists have found a long-sought enzyme that may be behind nitroglycerin's dilation of blood vessels.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Ginseng extract halts diabetes in mice

    Extracts from the berry of the American ginseng plant counter obesity and insulin resistance in mice.

  10. Earth

    Tomato compound repels mosquitos

    New insect repellents based on a compound that contributes to the smell of crushed tomato leaves are under development.

  11. Materials Science

    Molecular template makes nanoscale helix

    Using ribbons made of organic molecules as minuscule templates, researchers have coaxed a semiconductor material into tiny helical coils.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Watermelon red means lycopene rich

    Watermelon is a far better source of the carotenoid lycopene than tomatoes are and at least as well absorbed by the body.
