
  1. Wayward Moods: Bipolar kids travel tough road to teenhood

    Children diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a psychiatric ailment characterized by severe mood swings, exhibit a depressingly poor response to standard drug treatments and psychotherapy.

  2. Planetary Science

    Odyssey’s Homer: Hints of water near both poles of Mars

    Sensors on board the Mars Odyssey spacecraft have spied strong signs of ice buried near both poles of the Red Planet, exactly the regions where scientists previously had said that such frozen water deposits could exist.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Dieting woes tied to hunger hormone

    A rise in the appetite-enhancing hormone ghrelin after weight loss may explain why dieters regain pounds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Arthritis drug fights Crohn’s disease

    The inflammation-fighting drug infliximab can hold off the painful symptoms of Crohn's disease for as long as a year in many patients.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Operation overload: Kids’ backpacks

    Sixth-graders in Italy routinely carry school backpacks that equal, on average, 22 percent of their body weight, a finding researchers link to an earlier report that more than 60 percent of children in this age group had experienced low-back pain more than once.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Hysterectomy often improves sex life

    A study of more than 1,000 women who had hysterectomies finds that after the operation, women generally wanted and had sex more often, were more likely to reach orgasm, experienced less vaginal dryness, and were less likely to have pain during sex than was the case before surgery.

  7. Materials Science

    Tiny gems on steps find future in films

    The discovery of diamond-crystal seeds on steps in silicon may lead to long-sought, large wafers of pure, single-crystal diamond for electronics and other uses.

  8. The moon also rises—and assumes new sizes

    The perplexing human tendency to perceive a moon on the horizon as larger than an elevated moon may arise from visual cues indicating that the horizon moon is located much farther away.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Glutamate glut linked to multiple sclerosis

    The chemical glutamate can overwhelm nervous-system cells called oligodendrocytes, adding to the nerve damage caused by wayward immune cells in multiple sclerosis.

  10. Physics

    Electrical superball pulls itself together

    A strong electric field can drive tiny particles of a superconductor to bind themselves together into a remarkably sturdy ball.

  11. Blood cues sex choice for parasites

    Malaria parasites shift their female-biased production of offspring toward a more evenly balanced sex ratio as an infection proceeds.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Learning from leprosy’s nerve damage

    The bacterium that causes leprosy directly damages a protective sheathing around many nerve cells.
