
  1. Math

    A fair deal for housemates

    A new mathematical recipe for fair division allows people to resolve disputes over the splitting up of rent, goods, or even burdensome chores.

  2. Anatomy of antisocial personality

    A disturbance in the brain's prefrontal cortex may either contribute to or result from a psychiatric condition called antisocial personality disorder.

  3. Treatment enigma for disturbed kids

    Two new studies offer conflicting views of the effectiveness of mental-health services for children and teenagers.

  4. Survey raises issue of isolated Web users

    A controversial study suggests that heavy users of the Internet become socially isolated.

  5. Astronomy

    Votes cast for and against the WIMP factor

    Physicists this week duked it out over a bunch of WIMPs, elementary particles that—if they exist—could solve a decades-old mystery in cosmology and help unify the four fundamental forces of nature.

  6. Chemistry

    Power plants: Algae churn out hydrogen

    Green algae can produce hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel that could one day power pollution-free cars.

  7. Physics

    Manhandled molecules, midget memories

    A thick coating of organic chemicals can record information at densities potentially a million times greater than is possible with current compact disk technology.

  8. Archaeology

    Vase shows that ancients dug fossils, too

    A painting on an ancient Corinthian vase may be the first record of a fossil find.

  9. Animals

    New frog-killing disease may not be so new

    The skin disease that savaged amphibians in remote wildernesses in the 1990s has been linked to outbreaks in the 1970s.

  10. Shotgun approach bags the fruit fly genome

    Scientists announced the completion of the Drosophila genome-sequencing project.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Marrow Can Hide Breast Cancer Cells

    Breast cancer patients who have stray cancer cells in bone marrow are more likely to die of cancer or have a recurrence of cancer elsewhere in the body than are breast cancer patients not harboring such cells.

  12. All about Me: Left brain may shine spotlight on self

    Experiments with a split-brain patient suggest that left-hemisphere structures contribute to the conscious understanding of oneself.
