
  1. Earth

    Algal bloom is smothering Florida coral

    The anomalous growth of a native alga—now blanketing the seabed in a huge swath off the southern coast of Florida—points to overfertilization with upwelling sewage.

  2. Cancer patients accentuate the positive

    Group therapy that promotes positive types of personal growth in breast cancer patients may also result in beneficial physiological changes.

  3. Agriculture

    Bt corn variety OK for black swallowtails

    The first published field study of butterflies and genetically altered corn finds no harm to black swallowtail caterpillars from a common corn variety.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Keeping the beat

    Muscle cells taken from embryonic rats and put into an adult rat's heart can transmit the electric signals that govern the heartbeat.

  5. Tech

    Robotic heart surgery

    By using robotic rather than conventional open-heart techniques, doctors can perform heart surgery with smaller incisions, giving patients less pain and speeding recovery.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Enzyme Shortage May Lead to Lupus

    Without the enzyme DNase I, mice are vulnerable to symptoms of lupus, a debilitating autoimmune disease.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cycling and surgery have similar effect

    Among people with chest pain because of clogged heart arteries, regular exercise on a stationary bike reduced symptoms better than surgery did.

  8. Health & Medicine

    A hot new therapy?

    Spending time in a sauna improves heart function in people with chronic heart failure.

  9. Planetary Science

    Seeing Saturn

    After 5 years of interplanetary travel, the Saturn-bound Cassini spacecraft has taken its first picture of the ringed planet.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Protein may signal heart problems

    A protein already linked to inflammation is also a strong predictor of heart problems.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Natural fluoride isn’t quite enough

    In the absence of a public water-fluoridation program in eastern Germany, natural background concentrations of fluoride in drinking water affect children’s dental health.

  12. Earth

    Child-care sites, health threats

    Federal agencies have completed the first national study of lead, pesticides, and allergens in U.S. child-care facilities.
