
  1. Animals

    The truth is, frogs bluff and crabs cheat

    Two research teams say they've caught wild animals bluffing, only the second and third examples (outside of primate antics) ever recorded.

  2. Astronomy

    Milky Way feasts on its neighbors

    Three new studies reveal that Earth's home galaxy indulged in cannibalism to assemble its visible halo, the diffuse distribution of stars that surrounds the dense core and disk of the Milky Way.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Into the Tank: Pressurized oxygen is best at countering carbon monoxide exposure

    Oxygen treatment for serious carbon monoxide poisoning prevents long-term brain damage best if delivered as pressurized gas.

  4. Humans

    Flame Out: Fishy findings sustain, then snuff, stellar career

    Investigators have concluded that a young, up-and-coming physicist repeatedly faked data and committed other types of scientific misconduct.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Boning up on calcium shouldn’t be sporadic

    The gains in bone health can quickly disappear when people stop taking extra calcium.

  6. Paleontology

    Telltale Dino Heart Hints at Warm Blood

    A recently discovered fossil dinosaur heart is more like the heart of birds and mammals than that of crocodiles, providing further evidence that dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded.

  7. Chemistry

    Hot Spuds: Golden path to acrylamide in food

    The browning reaction that imparts flavor to french fries and breads also creates acrylamide, an animal carcinogen.

  8. Materials Science

    Molecular Separations: New artificial sieve traps molecules

    Researchers have created a metal-laced organic solid that acts as a sieve with nanosize pores for capturing molecules.

  9. Making Mice Mellow: Rodents yield clues to improved anxiety drugs

    Mice bred to lack a gene for a certain enzyme exhibit reduced anxiety and greater curiosity in stressful laboratory tasks, suggesting a possible new avenue of research into anti-anxiety medications.

  10. Tech

    Solar Surgery: Sunlight acts like laser

    By channeling sunlight down a fiber optic cable, scientists have produced laserlike beams that can burn tumors off major organs.

  11. Physics

    Prize honors physicist with conscience

    Physicist-author Freeman J. Dyson received the Templeton prize for originality in advancing religious understanding.

  12. Physics

    Four ions mingle in quantum chorus

    A new way to produce mysterious quantum correlations among particles ups the record to four particles linked, or entangled, and opens the door to correlating many more particles on cue, a prerequisite for making quantum computers.
