
  1. Astronomy

    A supernova’s shocking development

    Astronomers have for the first time recorded the full force of the shock wave hurled from supernova 1987A, the brightest stellar explosion witnessed from Earth since the invention of the modern telescope.

  2. Religious commitment linked to longer life

    A statistical analysis of 42 studies revealed that people who report heavy involvement in religious activities tend to have better physical health and live longer than those who don't.

  3. Physics

    Spectrum deftly takes visible light’s pulse

    A rainbow path to more precise measurements of visible-light frequencies may become an express lane to unprecedented accuracy in everyday measurements for all the sciences.

  4. Earth

    Rural living may hobble sperm

    An epidemiological study provides evidence that sperm concentrations in men residing in rural areas are significantly lower than those of men living in urban centers.

  5. Earth

    Arsenic Agriculture? Irrigation may worsen Bangladesh’s woes

    Researchers investigating an unfolding massive epidemic of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh say they have evidence that local irrigation practices may be contributing to the problem.

  6. Physics

    Cold War Conductor: Ultracold plutonium compound shows no resistance

    Researchers studying the crystalline properties of radioactive plutonium have discovered the first plutonium-based superconductor.

  7. Dog Sense: Domestication gave canines innate insight into human gestures

    Dogs may have acquired an innate ability to understand human body language after they were domesticated.

  8. Three Dog Eves: Canine diaspora from East Asia to Americas

    Genetic studies have moved the origins of dog domestication from the Middle East to East Asia and suggest that the first people to venture into the Americas brought their dogs with them.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Virus Stopper: Vaccine could prevent most cervical cancers

    A vaccine fashioned from a protein found on human papillomavirus-16 protects women from long-term viral infections that can lead to cervical cancer.

  10. Earth

    Dioxin cuts the chance of fathering a boy

    More girls than boys are fathered by men who sustained a relatively high environmental exposure to dioxin from a 1976 factory explosion in Italy.

  11. Viruses that slay bacteria draw new interest

    Bacteriophages, viruses that kill bacteria, may be able to cure seafood poisoning, decontaminate poultry, and tackle anthrax.

  12. Gene therapy grows bone in mice and rats

    A new gene therapy tested in rodents regrows bone by transforming skin and gum cells into bone-making cells or into cells that mass-produce a molecule called bone morphogenetic protein-7, which induces bone growth.
