
  1. Physics

    Quantum link connects light, ions

    By proving experimentally for the first time that an atom and a photon can become entwined in a quantum embrace called entanglement, physicists took a step toward teleporting quantum characteristics from one atom to another.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Bug bites suggest new stroke drug

    Changing a human enzyme so that it resembles one from blood-sucking insects may lead to a new treatment for strokes.

  3. Astronomy

    Andromeda’s building blocks

    A radio telescope has made the first conclusive observations of gas clouds that could be the leftover building blocks of the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way’s closest large spiral neighbor.

  4. Fish guts reveal microbial alliance

    Scientists are studying germfree zebra fish to better understand how microbes influence gut development.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Is ‘drink plenty of fluids’ good advice?

    Definitive studies need to determine whether increasing fluid intake during respiratory infections is really a good idea, says a team of researchers.

  6. Plants

    Sudden oak death jumps quarantine

    The funguslike microbe that causes sudden oak death has turned up on nursery plants in southern California for the first time.

  7. Tech

    Golden waves make stretchy microcircuits

    Microscale wires with stretchy, wiggly shapes may prove useful for sensors and other electronic gadgets embedded in pliable or elastic items such as clothing or living tissue.

  8. Humans

    Top of the Top 40: Search tool for a cancer cure places first in national science competition

    Herbert Mason Hedberg, the 2004 winner of the Intel Science Talent Search, and 39 other students have received recognition and scholarships for their innovations in science, mathematics, and engineering.

  9. Tech

    Iron Power: Eking more juice from batteries

    By creating an extremely thin layer of an unusually electron-hungry form of iron, chemists have made a prototype rechargeable battery electrode that may lead to improved metal hydride batteries.

  10. Anthropology

    Prehistoric Family Split: DNA puts Neandertals on edge of human ancestry

    The largest sample of ancient mitochondrial DNA extracted from Stone Age fossils to date indicates that Neandertals made, at most, a small genetic contribution to our direct prehistoric ancestors.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Gap in the Defense: Brain cancer patients short on valuable protein

    Brain tumor cells have a dearth of an obscure protein called ING4, whose sister compounds have shown anticancer effects.

  12. Chemistry

    Mini Motor: Synthetic molecule yields nanoscale rotor

    Scientists have built a tiny rotor out of a synthesized molecule that rotates in the presence of an electric field.
