
  1. Health & Medicine

    Cancer with a Twist: Protein instrumental in breast-cancer metastasis

    A protein called Twist, which orchestrates gene activity in cells, facilitates the spread of some breast cancers.

  2. Anthropology

    Stone Age Ear for Speech: Ancient finds sound off on roots of language

    Ancestors of Neandertals that lived at least 350,000 years ago heard the same range of sounds that people today do, suggesting that the ability to speak arose early in the Stone Age.

  3. Physics

    Misbehavin’ Meson: Perplexing particle flouts the rules

    The discovery of what appears to be a new subatomic particle with bizarre properties is challenging theorists' understanding of how matter behaves.

  4. Animals

    Hot Bother: Ground squirrels taunt in infrared

    California ground squirrels broadcast an infrared signal when confronting a rattlesnake.

  5. Sleepy brains take learning seriously

    After people practice a hand-eye coordination task, electrical activity in specific areas of the brain during sleep reflects neural processes involved in learning to perform that task better.

  6. Physics

    New pass at neutrino mass

    The first experiment to create neutrinos in an accelerator and then beam them a long distance has found a long-awaited, new form of evidence that those fundamental particles weigh something.

  7. Earth

    Cost of protecting the oceans

    Operating an extensive global network of marine parks in which fishing and habitat-stressing activities are restricted would probably be more affordable for governments than continuing to subsidize struggling fisheries at current levels.

  8. Physics

    Why the thinnest sticky hairs rule

    The foot hairs of geckos and other creatures that can walk on ceilings may be microscopic because only such slender hairs offer optimal adhesion, regardless of shape.

  9. Chemistry

    Connection blocker may stop viruses

    Using compounds that disrupt the interface of two viral proteins might present a novel strategy for combating viruses, a study of herpes suggests.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Fish toxin stops cancer pain

    An experimental drug fashioned from the toxin of the puffer fish can suppress pain in cancer patients.

  11. Health & Medicine

    New diabetes drug passes early tests

    The drug exenatide stabilizes and can reduce blood sugar in diabetes patients.

  12. Paleontology

    Calling all orthodontists. . .

    Researchers have unearthed fossils of a theropod dinosaur whose front teeth grew almost directly forward, which sets it apart from all other related species.
