News in Brief

  1. Materials Science

    Etched glass stops cracks in their tracks

    Adding wavy lines to glass reduces the material’s notorious brittleness.

  2. Genetics

    Stone Age Spaniard had blue eyes, dark skin

    Genetics of 7,000-year-old skeleton suggests blond hair, pale skin came later.

  3. Materials Science

    Nanotube whiskers could aid robot-human interaction

    Tiny hairlike sensors made from nanomaterials are more sensitive than existing devices to detect tiny pressures.

  4. Humans

    Small fetal size early on might carry risks later

    A smaller size in first trimester of pregnancy has been linked to heart-health warning signs in childhood.

  5. Archaeology

    Stone Age fishing spear found on Southeast Asian island

    Notched piece of bone found near Indonesia illustrates surprisingly complex tool making 35,000 years ago.

  6. Animals

    Swimming dolphins don’t need to cheat

    Dolphins swimming through bubbles burst old notion of underpowered muscles.

  7. Health & Medicine

    ‘Good bacterium’ prevents colic symptoms in newborns

    Crying time was nearly halved in babies receiving the beneficial microbe.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Green tea may sabotage blood pressure medication

    Antioxidants in drink may keep intestinal cells from taking up drug.

  9. Animals

    Wrinkle arises in soggy hand studies

    An experiment bucks earlier finding that ridges help fingers grasp.

  10. Neuroscience

    Caffeine may improve memory

    Taking the stimulant after learning new information boosted people’s recall the next day.

  11. Astronomy

    Earth-mass planet resembles a mini-Neptune

    KOI-314c, an exoplanet 200 light-years away, is about 60 percent larger than Earth but made mostly of gas.

  12. Chemistry

    Battery blueprint promises green energy storage

    A device that relies on organic molecules could cheaply bank power from renewable sources.
