News in Brief

  1. Animals

    Orangutans hit the ground walking

    A surprising affinity for moving across the forest floor may aid threatened apes.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Drug injection could limit heart attack damage

    Study in pigs suggests hydrogel treatment might minimize the risk of heart failure in survivors.

  3. Chemistry

    Carbon monoxide junked for making plastic

    Using a catalyst, chemists can swap in the less dangerous carbon dioxide.

  4. Archaeology

    Nearly 1-million-year-old European footprints found

    Erosion temporarily unveils remnants of a Stone Age stroll along England’s coast.

  5. Animals

    Embryos in eggs move to get comfy

    Even before hatching, Chinese alligators, snapping turtles and some relatives can shift toward favorable temperatures.

  6. Neuroscience

    Prosthetic provides sense of touch to man who lost hand

    A new prosthetic hand restores a sense of touch by stimulating nerves in the arm.

  7. Paleontology

    Rivers of rock and gas froze ancient animals in time

    Ancient Chinese fossil beds were preserved by high-speed rivers of volcanic rock and gas.

  8. Genetics

    Bacteria can be genetically tricked into self-destructing

    Manipulating microbes’ defenses could lead to targeted antibiotics.

  9. Materials Science

    Bone inspires strong, lightweight material

    Tiny synthetic structures modeled after bone are as sturdy as metal.

  10. Astronomy

    Some gas clouds refuse to collapse

    A study of dust gives astronomers a sharper picture of cold gas.

  11. Astronomy

    Clouds on nearby brown dwarf mapped

    A study of clouds on a nearby brown dwarf reveals partial cloud cover.

  12. Plants

    Sexually deceived flies not hopelessly dumb

    Pollinators tricked into mating with a plant become harder to fool a second time.
