News in Brief

  1. Genetics

    Cloning produces stem cells from adult skin

    Human embryonic stem cells made using adult cells could enable medical advances such as replacement organs.

  2. Astronomy

    White dwarf boosts light of stellar companion

    A gravitational lens in a binary star lets astronomers weigh the core of a dead star.

  3. Animals

    Scent of a fruit fly larva comes from its gut microbes

    Microbes in the guts of fly larvae produce smells that attract fruit flies.

  4. Anthropology

    Laetoli footprints show signs of unusual gait

    Contrary to prior study, 3.6-million-year-old hominids in Tanzania did not walk like humans.

  5. Anthropology

    Earliest case of a battered child found in Greece

    A baby living in Athens around 2,200 years ago was probably beaten to death.

  6. Earth

    Huge space rock rattled Earth 3 billion years ago

    An asteroid almost as wide as Rhode Island may have plowed into Earth 3.26 billion years ago, leaving a trace in South Africa’s Barberton greenstone belt.

  7. Anthropology

    Ancient boy died surprisingly young

    Imaging analysis reduces age of Australopithecus sediba youngster from 9 to 7.5 years old.

  8. Genetics

    Five mutations could make bird flu spread easily

    Handful of alterations can turn H5N1 bird flu into virus that infects ferrets through the air.

  9. Cosmology

    Galaxy’s gamma-ray glow may expose dark matter

    An excess of gamma rays at the center of the Milky Way could be a signature of dark matter.

  10. Computing

    App could cut jet lag short

    A new app calculates lighting schedules to help travelers adjust quickly to new time zones.

  11. Paleontology

    La Brea Tar Pits yield exquisite Ice Age bees

    Ancient bee pupae snug in leafy nest give clues to Pleistocene climate.

  12. Cosmology

    Speed of early universe’s expansion determined

    The rate known as the Hubble constant is measured with great precision for the universe of 11 billion years ago.
