News in Brief

  1. Astronomy

    High-energy radiation from stellar explosions explained

    The dance of a stellar duo might explain why some novas emit gamma rays.

  2. Paleontology

    Plant-eating dinosaurs coexisted by munching different vegetation

    Differences in skulls allowed sauropods to coexist in an arid landscape by enabling the dinosaurs to tackle different plants.

  3. Animals

    Lacking ice, huge walrus herd congregates on Alaska shore

    A large group of walruses has hauled out on the beach near Point Lay, Alaska. The animals have been forced onto shore due to a lack of sea ice in the region.

  4. Animals

    Looking for, not catching, prey drains big cats’ energy

    For some big cats, ambushing prey in quick attacks may ease the high energy cost of hunting, new studies show.

  5. Animals

    Even on remote islands, busy ports mean more invasives

    Islands with lots of trading ties are more likely to be colonized by invasive species, even when they are geographically remote, a new study of anoles reveals.

  6. Tech

    Solar cell powers water-to-hydrogen conversion

    High efficiency could make perovskite solar cells useful for generating environmentally friendly fuel.

  7. Science & Society

    Syria’s World Heritage Sites severely damaged by war

    Satellite images reveal that five of the country’s six World Heritage Sites have suffered damage and some structures have been completely destroyed.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Recovery time from surgery foretold

    Blood samples taken from patients after surgery might reveal who is destined for a quick rebound.

  9. Tech

    Hybrid robot merges flier with two snakelike machines

    A helicopter robot can airlift snakelike search-and-rescue bots out of tight situations.

  10. Life

    Molecule boosts numbers of stem cells in umbilical cord blood

    A new molecule multiplies stem cells in umbilical cord blood. More blood-making stem cells could mean more effective transplants for people with blood cancers.

  11. Tech

    Octobot uses webbed arms to swim faster

    Octopus-inspired robot could one day help researchers observe underwater ecosystems.

  12. Anthropology

    Strategy, not habitat loss, leads chimps to kill rivals

    Human impacts on chimpanzees have not increased their violence.
