News in Brief

  1. Paleontology

    Mystery fossils belonged to giant ostrichlike dinosaur

    Two recently found skeletons reveal that Deinocheirus, first discovered 50 years ago, was the largest-known dinosaur of its kind.

  2. Humans

    Anglo-Saxons left language, but maybe not genes to modern Britons

    Modern Britons may be more closely related to Britain’s indigenous people than they are to the Anglo-Saxons, a new genetic analysis finds.

  3. Physics

    Laser tractor beam tugs on beads

    A new experiment is the first to construct a tractor beam that can pull objects over long distances with light.

  4. Genetics

    Gene variant helps dog evade muscular dystrophy

    A dog that has a mutation causing muscular dystrophy has another genetic variant that appears to counteract the disease.

  5. Psychology

    Majority doesn’t always rule in teen booze use

    Having one abstainer as a friend cuts teens’ odds of getting drunk and binge drinking, a study finds.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Poop-transplant pills treat intestinal infection

    Frozen capsules stuffed with healthy gut bacteria from donated poop fight C. difficile infections.

  7. Planetary Science

    Surprises lurk inside a Saturn moon

    NASA’s Cassini spacecraft finds possible ocean or football-shaped core inside Mimas.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Ebola continues rapid spread in West Africa

    Ebola continues to spread in West Africa, but some countries are poised to declare victory over the deadly virus.

  9. Paleontology

    Extinct giant kangaroos tiptoed one leg at a time

    Stiff spines, flared hips and other fossil clues suggest extinct, refrigerator-sized kangaroos stepped one hind leg at a time instead of hopping.

  10. Anthropology

    Ancient Greek shipwreck found to be world’s largest

    Special diving suits enable discovery that much of a nearly 2,100-year-old Greek vessel and its cargo survive.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Pneumococcal vaccine thwarts resistant infections in children

    Since a new vaccine was introduced in 2010, the number of antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal infections in kids has plunged.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Drug appears safe in children with C. difficile infections

    Early test suggests adult med may work in kids with diarrheal disease.
