News in Brief

  1. Life

    Softer surroundings stifle some chemotherapy drugs

    Some anticancer drugs such as Gleevec are less effective when attacking cancer cells grown in soft surroundings.

  2. Astronomy

    Radio burst from beyond Milky Way detected in real time

    First real-time detection of radio burst from outside galaxy triggers worldwide hunt for cause of mysterious signals.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Fatty coat on cancer drugs protects the heart

    Cancer drugs encased in a layer of fat reduce but don’t eliminate heart damage.

  4. Climate

    Greenhouse gases may spell wet future for Africa

    Greenhouse gases played a role in boosting rainfall in Africa 14,000 to 21,000 years ago, a finding that may help predict future abundance of water on the continent.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Old drug reduces herpes symptoms, spread in animal tests

    The antidepressant tranylcypromine might also work as antiviral against herpes, animal studies suggest.

  6. Astronomy

    Starlight robs galaxy of stellar ingredients

    Light from newborn stars drives gas out of a distant galaxy, a process that may prevent future stars from being born.

  7. Animals

    Vulture guts are filled with noxious bacteria

    Vultures’ guts are chock-full of bacteria that sicken other creatures.

  8. Physics

    Material borders support unusually warm electronic superhighways

    The interface between a conductive wafer and an iron-containing film is a high-temperature superconductor, which transmits electrons without resistance.

  9. Cosmology

    Galaxies may be aligned across 1 billion light-years

    Powerful plasma jets from cores of galaxies seem to mysteriously align with one another and hint at an unknown mechanism shaping galaxy groups.

  10. Neuroscience

    After injury, estrogen may shield the brain

    Estrogen helps to prevent some of the chronic inflammation that occurs after brain injury.

  11. Life

    Norovirus can play protective role in mice

    In mice, viral infection can help intestines develop, strengthen immune system.

  12. Neuroscience

    Areas people like to be caressed match up with nerve fibers

    A caress in a sweet spot at the right speed activates nerve fibers tied to social touch.
