News in Brief

  1. Life

    Bird flu follows avian flyways

    A deadly bird flu virus spreads along wildfowl migration routes in Asia.

  2. Astronomy

    Revived Kepler telescope finds first exoplanet

    NASA’s Kepler space telescope finds its first planet — a possible super-Earth — since getting a second chance at life.

  3. Earth

    South Napa earthquake revived bone-dry streams

    The South Napa earthquake freed groundwater trapped in nearby hills, revitalizing previously dry streams.

  4. Chemistry

    Nylon goes green

    A new simple chemical reaction makes manufacturing nylon less harmful to the planet.

  5. Planetary Science

    Rosetta may have spotted comet’s primordial ingredients

    Photos taken by the Rosetta spacecraft may show pristine material that formed the solar system’s comets, asteroids and planets roughly 4.6 billion years ago.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Old product might help smokers quit

    A drug used in Eastern Europe for decades by people trying to quit smoking outperformed a nicotine patch in a six-month test.

  7. Life

    Fast test reveals drug-resistant bacteria

    A new test uses time-lapse photography to see within a few hours whether individual bacterial cells are vulnerable to antibiotics.

  8. Planetary Science

    Rover finds methane in Mars air, organics in rocks

    NASA’s Curiosity rover has found organic molecules on Mars, but scientists can’t say whether they are a sign of life on the Red Planet.

  9. Genetics

    Domestication did horses no genetic favors

    Horses bear the cost of domestication in the form of harmful genetic variants, a study of equine DNA finds.

  10. Life

    Images reveal secrets of zinc sparks

    These sparks are created when billions of zinc atoms shoot from thousands of small pouches nestled just beneath the surface of a mouse egg cell.

  11. Life

    Imprisoning parasites can deter malaria’s spread

    Disabling a protein traps malaria-causing parasites within red blood cells and prevents the organisms from reproducing.

  12. Planetary Science

    Martian crater was once filled with liquid water

    Sandstone deposits on Mars indicate that Gale Crater, the Curiosity rover’s stomping ground, was once a lake fed by rivers.
