News in Brief

  1. Animals

    A brain chemical tells when to fight or flee

    Crickets tally the knocks they take in a fight, and flee when their brains release nitric oxide to tell them they’ve had enough.

  2. Archaeology

    Ring brings ancient Viking, Islamic civilizations closer together

    Ancient find fingers ninth century connection between Vikings and Islamic civilization.

  3. Astronomy

    Super-Earths may form in two ways

    Rocky planets much heavier than Earth may form in different ways.

  4. Planetary Science

    Aurora shift confirms Ganymede’s ocean

    New observations confirm the presence of a liquid saltwater ocean beneath the surface of Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede.

  5. Planetary Science

    Chinese rover reveals moon’s layers

    Radar imaging done by China’s Yutu lunar rover reveals that the moon’s geological history could be more complex than once thought.

  6. Paleontology

    How arthropods got their legs

    New fossils reveal how arthropods evolved branching limbs.

  7. Life

    Chickens to blame for spread of latest deadly bird flu

    Chickens are responsible for the second wave of H7N9 bird flu in China.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Teens have higher anaphylaxis risk than younger kids

    Adolescents may be more apt to experience an extreme allergic reaction than younger children, researchers report.

  9. Life

    Experimental herpes vaccine works in mice

    An experimental herpes vaccine works in animal tests by using an approach starkly different from that used in previous vaccine development.

  10. Paleontology

    Possible ancestor of sponges found

    An exquisitely preserved 600-million-year-old fossil from China has cell types and a shape resembling sponges, thought to be among the first multicellular animals to evolve.

  11. Astronomy

    Remote star clusters discovered on edge of Milky Way

    Two newly discovered star clusters are the first ever seen at the remote edges of the Milky Way.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Dose of extra oxygen revs up cancer-fighting immune cells

    Extra oxygen helps immune cells shrink tumors in cancer-ridden mice.
