News in Brief

  1. Health & Medicine

    Pregnancy hormone could keep multiple sclerosis at bay

    A small trial hints that pregnancy hormone can reduce MS flare-ups.

  2. Astronomy

    Mysterious cosmic signals carry a clue to their origins

    A burst of radio waves from another galaxy ran into a dense magnetized plasma while en route to Earth, hinting at an origin near a population of young stars.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Taking antiviral drug ‘on demand’ can guard against HIV

    The antiviral drug Truvada taken before and after sex cuts HIV transmission rates.

  4. Animals

    Snakes evolved from burrowing ancestor, new data suggest

    A new X-ray analysis of inner ears is the latest to weigh in on whether modern snakes descended from a burrowing or a swimming reptile.

  5. Astronomy

    More mysterious extragalactic signals detected

    Five more fast radio bursts from other galaxies have shown up and one of them is a double.

  6. Life

    DNA doubled in conifer ancestors

    The genomes of conifers — pine, cypress and yew trees — doubled twice in the distant past.

  7. Neuroscience

    Taste is all in your head

    By targeting certain nerve cells in a mouse’s brain, scientists made plain water turn bitter or sweet.

  8. Planetary Science

    Phobos to create ring around the Red Planet

    Mars’ moon Phobos will shatter and create a temporary ring around Mars 20 million to 40 million years from now.

  9. Tech

    Roses rigged with electrical circuits

    Bioelectric molecules can form wires and conduct electricity in cut roses, researchers find.

  10. Planetary Science

    Glimpse of baby planet shows what to expect when a star is expecting

    A baby planet is still growing in the disk of gas that encircles a young star.

  11. Plants

    Ancient gardeners saved the gourd

    Domestication might have helped early vine plants like pumpkin survive after seed-dispersing megafauna went extinct.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Study brews up more evidence for coffee’s health benefits

    Drinking up to five cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of dying early from heart and brain diseases and suicide.
