News in Brief

  1. Climate

    20th century sea level rose at fastest rate since founding of Rome

    Sea levels rose more rapidly in the 1900s than during any other century in at least 2,800 years, with global warming causing at least half that rise.

  2. Materials Science

    New carbon cluster has high storage capacity

    A new carbon structure could store gases or liquids in honeycomb-shaped cells.

  3. Tech

    New clues illuminate mysteries of ancient Egyptian portraits

    New analyses shed light on how ancient Egyptian “mummy paintings” were made.

  4. Neuroscience

    Re-creating womb sounds perks preemies’ attention

    Babies born prematurely may benefit from hearing a recording of their mothers’ voices and heartbeats.

  5. Neuroscience

    Tiny bare-bones brains made in lab dishes

    A reliable way to make standard-issue minibrains could help scientists study the human brain.

  6. Astronomy

    Planets may emerge from stellar duo gathering icy dust

    Gas freezing onto dust grains around a binary star could be setting up a site where comets or even planets might someday form.

  7. Microbes

    Microbe mix varies by kind of home

    Urban homes hold more human-associated bacteria compared with rural homes. Subdivided houses with lots of rooms and poor ventilation could be to blame.

  8. Earth

    New app puts an earthquake detector in your pocket

    Smartphone app MyShake uses motion-sensing accelerometers to detect nearby quakes. The app could provide early warnings of incoming tremors, its creators say.

  9. Environment

    Urban heat islands exist even in the Arctic

    Arctic cities are a source of warming in the far north. Unlike midlatitude heat islands, poorly insulated buildings — not the sun — are a primary source.

  10. Particle Physics

    Physicists find signs of four-neutron nucleus

    Strong evidence of a tetraneutron, an atomic nucleus with four neutrons but no protons, defies physicists’ theoretical expectations.

  11. Neuroscience

    Cancer drug’s usefulness against Alzheimer’s disputed

    A preliminary report questions the anti-Alzheimer’s activity of a cancer-fighting drug.

  12. Animals

    Why some birds sing elaborate songs in the winter

    Several obvious hypotheses fail to explain why great reed warblers sing in winter.
