News in Brief

  1. Particle Physics

    New particle probably can’t explain nuclear reactor neutrino mystery

    An antineutrino anomaly seems due to problems with scientists’ predictions, not sterile neutrinos.

  2. Ecosystems

    Volcanic eruptions nearly snuffed out Gentoo penguin colony

    Penguin poop dumps data on how a Gentoo colony responded to ancient volcanic eruptions.

  3. Astronomy

    Squabbles in star nurseries result in celestial fireworks

    Images from the ALMA observatory in Chile reveal that early days of stars can be just as fiery as their death.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Engineered immune cells boost leukemia survival for some

    Engineered immune cells can extend life for some leukemia patients.

  5. Neuroscience

    Food odors are more enticing to sleep-deprived brains

    Sleep deprivation makes the brain more sensitive to food smells.

  6. Neuroscience

    More brain differences seen between girls, boys with ADHD

    ADHD looks different in the cerebellums of girls and boys with the condition.

  7. Planetary Science

    Extreme gas loss dried out Mars, MAVEN data suggest

    Over the planet’s history, the Martian atmosphere has lost 66 percent of its argon and a majority of its carbon dioxide, according to data from NASA’s MAVEN spacecraft.

  8. Oceans

    Thinning ice creates undersea Arctic greenhouses

    Arctic sea ice thinned by climate change increasingly produces conditions favorable for phytoplankton blooms in the waters below, new research suggests.

  9. Neuroscience

    Sarcasm looks the same in the brain whether it’s words or emoji

    Sarcasm via winking emoji affects the brain like verbal irony does.

  10. Neuroscience

    Math-anxious brains tackle simple problems differently

    An fMRI study found more variable brain activity in people who get nervous about math problems.

  11. Archaeology

    Palace remains in Mexico point to ancient rise of centralized power

    An ancient royal structure gets new life in southern Mexico.

  12. Astronomy

    Close pass by sun didn’t radically alter comet 67P’s landscape

    Landslides on comet 67P shot plumes of dust into space, but changes like these might not radically alter the landscape of the comet.
