News in Brief

  1. Astronomy

    Astronomers may have found an exomoon, and Hubble is going to check

    A distant object may be the first exomoon detected.

  2. Agriculture

    GM moth trial gets a green light from USDA

    GM diamondback moths will take wing in a New York field trial.

  3. Archaeology

    Copper in Ötzi the Iceman’s ax came from surprisingly far away

    Copper for the ancient Iceman’s blade traveled about 500 kilometers to his northern Italian home region.

  4. Climate

    Rising temperatures may mean fewer passengers on airplane flights

    Global warming could force airplanes to carry a lighter load — and fewer passengers —on each flight.

  5. Astronomy

    Teensy star vies for title of smallest known

    A Saturn-sized star is one of the smallest yet discovered.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers get glimpse of star 9 billion light-years away

    A bright blue star sends its light from two-thirds of the way across the universe, thanks to a chance alignment with a galaxy cluster.

  7. Genetics

    How a crop-destroying fungus mutated to infect wheat

    Study details how wheat got a new pathogen called blast fungus.

  8. Anthropology

    Fossil tooth pushes back record of mysterious Neandertal relative

    A Denisovan child’s fossil tooth dates to at least 100,000 years ago, researchers say.

  9. Particle Physics

    Newfound particle relies on its charm(s)

    First-of-its-kind subatomic particle is composed of two charm quarks and an up quark.

  10. Quantum Physics

    China’s quantum satellite adds two new tricks to its repertoire

    Satellite performs quantum teleportation and securely transmits encryption keys.

  11. Archaeology

    Pin-drop test pops Greek amphitheater’s acoustic claims

    Analysis of an ancient Greek amphitheater’s ability to carry sounds reveals overblown tour guide claims.

  12. Anthropology

    The southern drawl gets deconstructed

    Analysis of the diversity of vowel sounds found in southern accents could help developers of speech recognition software.
