News in Brief

  1. Earth

    Plate tectonics started at least 3.5 billion years ago

    Analyses of titanium in rock suggest plate tectonics began 500 million years earlier than thought.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Microbes hobble a widely used chemo drug

    Bacteria associated with cancer cells can inactivate a chemotherapy drug.

  3. Tech

    In these bot hookups, the machines meld their minds

    A new type of robot can team up with its fellows to form a single-minded machine.

  4. Animals

    Why bats crash into windows

    Smooth, vertical surfaces may be blind spots for bats and cause some animals to face-plant, study suggests.

  5. Particle Physics

    Dark matter still remains elusive

    Scientists continue the search for particles that make up the universe’s missing matter.

  6. Archaeology

    People may have lived in Brazil more than 20,000 years ago

    Stone Age humans left behind clues of their presence at a remote Brazilian rock shelter.

  7. Astronomy

    Star that exploded in 1437 tracked to its current position

    Astronomers have hunted down a star seen exploding in the year 1437 and traced it since, offering clues to the stages of a white dwarf.

  8. Tech

    Robot, heal thyself

    Self-healing material is helping make more resilient robots.

  9. Genetics

    Gene editing creates virus-free piglets

    Pigs engineered to lack infectious viruses may one day produce transplant organs.

  10. Particle Physics

    Neutrino experiment may hint at why matter rules the universe

    T2K experiment hints at an explanation for what happened to antimatter.

  11. Plants

    A new portrait of the world’s first flower is unveiled

    A reconstruction of the first flowers suggests the ancient blooms were bisexual.

  12. Materials Science

    Diamond joins the realm of 2-D thin films, study suggests

    Scientists squeezed graphene sheets into diamondene.
