News in Brief

  1. Astronomy

    New Horizons’ next target might have a moon

    New Horizons’ next target, Kuiper Belt object MU69, may have a small moon.

  2. Life

    Mini brains may wrinkle and fold just like ours

    Brain organoids show how ridges and wrinkles may form.

  3. Earth

    Watching this newborn island erode could tell us a lot about Mars

    The birth and death of a young volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean may shed light on the origins of volcanoes in Mars’ wetter past.

  4. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s rings mess with the gas giant’s atmosphere

    Data from Cassini’s shallow dives into Saturn’s ionosphere show that this charged layer in the atmosphere interacts with the planet’s rings.

  5. Animals

    Once settled, immigrants play important guard roles in mongoose packs

    Dwarf mongoose packs ultimately benefit from taking in immigrants, but there’s an assimilation period.

  6. Health & Medicine

    When tumors fuse with blood vessels, clumps of breast cancer cells can spread

    Breast cancer tumors may merge with blood vessels to help the cancer spread.

  7. Archaeology

    Hidden hoard hints at how ancient elites protected the family treasures

    A secret stash at an ancient site in Israel called Megiddo illuminates the Iron Age practice of hoarding wealth.

  8. Animals

    Even a tiny oil spill spells bad news for birds

    Just a small amount of crude can make birds less active.

  9. Animals

    The key to breaking down plastic may be in caterpillars’ guts

    Caterpillars that feast on plastic have different gut microbes than those that eat a grain-based diet.

  10. Health & Medicine

    How dad’s stress changes his sperm

    Stress may change sperm via packets of RNA in the epididymis, a mouse study suggests.

  11. Neuroscience

    The brain’s helper cells have a hand in learning fear

    After a traumatic experience, rat brains release inflammatory signals that come from astrocytes, suggesting a new role for the brain’s “helper” cells.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Quantum computing steps forward with 50-qubit prototype

    Bit by qubit, scientists are edging closer to the realm where quantum computers will reign supreme.
