News in Brief

  1. Health & Medicine

    Body and Brain

    Good touch, bad touch A leg caress can delight or feel totally skeevy, depending on who’s doing the caressing. A touch’s emotional baggage can be seen in the brain’s initial response to that touch, scientists report in the June 19 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Heterosexual men’s somatosensory cortices, brain regions that detect […]

  2. Health & Medicine

    Endocrine Society Annual Meeting

    Highlights from the 94th annual meeting held June 23-26 in Houston.

  3. Space

    American Astronomical Society Meeting

    Highlights from the 220th AAS meeting held June 10-14 in Anchorage, Alaska.

  4. Humans

    Highlights from the American Association of Physical Anthropologists annual meeting, Portland, Ore., April 11-14

    Shorts on Stone Age finds in Southeast Asia, chatting among Neandertal ancestors and early cannibalism.

  5. Highlights from the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Francisco

    Estrogen mimics may delay puberty and honeybees hurting from pesticides.

  6. Physics

    Highlights from the American Physical Society April Meeting, Atlanta

    String theory’s take on the Higgs, newborn pulsars may have iron by-products, and coupled neutrons in beryllium nuclei revealed.

  7. Planetary Science

    Highlights from the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23

    Geologic activity and weather on Saturnian moons, and studies in Greenland to learn about Mars.

  8. 2012 Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting

    Highlights from the annual meeting, held February 23 – 26 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  9. Health & Medicine

    2012 AAAS Meeting

    Highlights from the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Vancouver, February 16-20.

  10. 2012 AAAS Meeting

    Highlights from the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Vancouver, February 16-20.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Highlights from the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting

    Stress and motherhood, tandem MRIs, the memory benefits of resveratrol and more from the organization's meeting November 12-16 in Washington, D.C.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Highlights from the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions

    Vitamin D and heart disease, the effectiveness of external defibrillators, a shot to lower cholesterol, and more from the Orlando, Fla., meeting.
