News in Brief

  1. Health & Medicine

    Highlights from the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Los Angeles, November 3-7

    Multivitamins may not reduce heart attacks, two drugs could protect heart from chemo damage, and more.

  2. Neuroscience

    Highlights from Neuroscience 2012

    A collection of reports from the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, New Orleans.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain

    Blood pressure decreases with apnea treatment, vitamins fail to protect against colorectal cancer, and more news from this week’s medical journals.

  4. Life

    Ants’ hive mind

    The insects make better decisions collectively than when on their own.

  5. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    The gassy halo engulfing the Milky Way, a comet in the neighborhood, and extraterrestrial rocks as the source of life on Earth.

  6. Chemistry

    Japanese lab lays claim to element 113

    With the latest observation of a superheavy atom, a chemical catfight looms over who will get to name it.

  7. Life

    How the cheetah loses its spots

    Mutations in one gene alter felines’ coat coloring.

  8. Life

    International Congress of Neuroethology, College Park, Md., August 5–10

    Dung beetle gaits and the whine of a mosquito's flight

  9. Earth

    Earth & Environment

    Soot’s contributions to global warming may be overestimated, and unusual source of oceans’ methane discovered.

  10. Space

    Highlights from the IAU Meeting

    A collection of reports from the 28th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing.

  11. Health & Medicine

    19th International AIDS Conference

    Highlights from the AIDS meeting, July 22-27, Washington, D.C.

  12. Health & Medicine

    19th International AIDS Conference

    Highlights from the AIDS meeting, July 22-27, Washington, D.C.
