News in Brief

  1. Earth

    Remnants of Earth’s crust survive in the planet’s interior

    A slab stayed unperturbed in the mantle for billions of years before resurfacing, sulfur measurements suggest.

  2. Earth

    Yangtze’s age revealed

    Geologists narrow window on time of the Chinese river’s origin to 23-36 million years ago.

  3. Space

    American Physical Society meeting

    A supernova’s remnants possibly showing up in fossils and an explanation for the Crab Nebula are among highlights from the physics meeting.

  4. Life

    Bats are 3-D cartographers

    Special cells in the mammal’s brain chart its path as it flies.

  5. Microbes

    Some like it acidic

    In a higher-carbon world of altered oceans, a shelled plankton species may flourish.

  6. Life

    Coelacanth is not closest fishy relative of terrestrial animals

    Genes of “living fossil” do reveal changes needed to live on dry land.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Colic in infancy linked to migraines later in childhood

    No tie found between colicky babies and later tension headaches.

  8. Life

    New bird flu claims more victims

    H7N9 influenza spreads to Beijing, may come from poultry and pigeons.

  9. Anthropology

    American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting

    Perhaps the oldest swatch of hominid skin yet found and –tzi the iceman’s Neandertal genetics are among the highlights from the physical anthropology meeting.

  10. Space

    Dying star goes out in style

    Day-Glo green planetary nebula captured by Very Large Telescope.

  11. Physics

    Questions raised about lithium-ion cell’s claim to fame

    For lithium-ion batteries, a user’s charging habits may affect estimates of remaining charge after all.

  12. Climate

    Cuts in some greenhouse gases could slow sea level rise

    Methane, ozone and other short-lived pollutants have a big impact on ocean heights, simulation finds.
