News in Brief

  1. Artificial Intelligence

    A new AI training program helps robots own their ignorance

    AI systems struggle to know what they don’t know. Now scientists have created a way to help autonomous machines recognize their blind spots.

  2. Artificial Intelligence

    This robot learned not to mess with other people’s stuff

    Ownership-respecting robots could soon understand the difference between chucking a Styrofoam cup and someone’s favorite mug.

  3. Animals

    Young emperor penguins brave icy, winter waters in their first year

    Young emperor penguins learn survival skills on their own, including how to navigate Antarctica’s icy winter ocean.

  4. Materials Science

    Being messy on the inside keeps metamaterials from folding under stress

    Inspiration from disordered arrangements of atoms in crystalline metals may lead to longer-lasting, next-gen materials.

  5. Animals

    Cryptic remains of tiny animals have turned up in an Antarctic lake

    Researchers were surprised to find vestiges of what appear to be tiny animals in mud from Antarctica’s ice-covered Lake Mercer.

  6. Tech

    These robots can follow how-to diagrams

    Robots capable of reading diagrams could work in more varied environments and be easier to communicate with.

  7. Astronomy

    The first suspected exomoon may remain hidden for another decade

    The discoverers of the first evidence for a moon orbiting a planet around a distant star are still trying to confirm the object’s existence.

  8. Chemistry

    Your phone could reveal your radiation exposure after a nuclear disaster

    Examining personal electronics may help gauge people’s radiation exposure in the event of a nuclear accident or attack.

  9. Oceans

    Floating seabirds provide a novel way to trace ocean currents

    Seabirds idly drifting with ocean currents provide a novel way to track and understand how these flows change with time and location.

  10. Anthropology

    Paint specks in tooth tartar illuminate a medieval woman’s artistry

    Tooth tartar unveils an expert female manuscript painter buried at a German monastery.

  11. Animals

    A protein in mosquito eggshells could be the insects’ Achilles’ heel

    A newly discovered protein found exclusively in mosquitoes may one day help control their numbers.

  12. Physics

    A weird type of zirconium soaks up neutrons like a sponge

    Zirconium-88 captures neutrons with extreme efficiency, and scientists don’t yet know why.
