News in Brief

  1. Paleontology

    Dinosaur had impressive schnoz

    Fossils found in Utah reveal geographic segregation of horned species.

  2. Planetary Science

    Neptune gets 14th moon

    Images from Hubble Space Telescope reveal tiny, dark satellite orbiting blue-green gas giant.

  3. Paleontology

    T. rex hunted live prey

    Fossils yield tooth in healed wound of another dinosaur.

  4. Genetics

    Killer whales are (at least) two species

    Orca genetics highlights distinctions among groups that feed on different prey.

  5. Astronomy

    The solar system has a tail

    Clover-shaped clumps of charged particles extend billions of kilometers in our wake.

  6. Astronomy

    Clouds may keep exoplanets cool

    Even when close to their stars, other worlds could harbor liquid water.

  7. Space

    Distant radio-wave pulses spotted

    Signals could help astronomers understand universe's mass

  8. Life

    Deadly flu virus flourishes in lung cells

    H7N9 influenza's clinging ability in humans and birds raises concerns about increased transmission between species.

  9. Animals

    Hawkmoths squeak their genitals at threatening bats

    Sounds of an approaching predator inspire ultrasonic rasping in insect prey.

  10. Animals

    Highlights from the Evolution 2013 meeting

    Selections from the meeting include a natural fish experiment, terrapins' light displays and why a variety of eye colors persist in people, presented June 21-25 in Snowbird, Utah.

  11. Archaeology

    Pre-Inca empire tomb found untouched in Peru

    Gold jewelry, bronze axes and dozens of bodies were among the contents of the Wari empire ceremonial room.

  12. Life

    Genes in wheat relatives help stave off stem rust

    Wild and obscure species provide resistance to deadly fungus.
