News in Brief

  1. Life

    Bats can carry MERS

    DNA of a deadly respiratory virus has been found in a Saudi Arabian mammal.

  2. Earth

    Millions in China at risk of exposure to arsenic-tainted water

    Simulation shows possibly contaminated areas and predicts populations at risk.

  3. Life

    Natural antifreeze prevents frogsicles

    Sugar and other chemicals keep Alaskan frogs from freezing completely.

  4. Astronomy

    Pictures of young star show unusual outbursts

    Ejections from stellar newborn move faster and in different directions than astronomers thought.

  5. Ecosystems

    Aging European forests full to the brim with carbon

    Trees' capacity to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is dwindling.

  6. Climate

    Flood damage to cost up to $1 trillion per year by 2050

    Coastal cities with growing populations will be inundated by sea level rise.

  7. Life

    To make biofuel, cut the lignin

    Researchers disable key protein making plant sugars easier to access.

  8. Climate

    Climate change carved canyons in Andes

    Erosion came thanks to cooling and more rain, not tectonic activity.

  9. Planetary Science

    NASA gives up on fixing Kepler

    Space telescope’s days as a premier planet hunter are over.

  10. Psychology

    Highlights from the American Sociological Association annual meeting

    Research on social media's reluctant users, marital ideals and single parenthood and intimate victims of cybernastiness presented August 10-13 in New York City.

  11. Animals

    New carnivore species found

    Tiny olingo species dubbed 'olinguito'.

  12. Astronomy

    Magnetic field of black hole measured

    Pulsar near Milky Way’s center makes first assessment of this type possible.
